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Consulta Plantas

Gardening and plant care since 2001

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Care of the succulent plant Adromischus cooperi or Cotyledon cooperi.
Adromischus cooperi: Cotyledon cooperi
Care of the plant Adromischus marianiae Herrei or Cotyledon herrei.
Adromischus marianiae Herrei or Cotyledon herrei
Care of the succulent plant Adromischus schuldtianus or Cotyledon schuldtiana.
Adromischus schuldtianus: Cotyledon schuldtiana
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum or Tree aeonium.
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum: Tree aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium canariense or Canary aeonium.
Aeonium canariense: Canary aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium glutinosum or Sempervivum glutinosum.
Aeonium glutinosum: Sempervivum glutinosum
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium haworthii or Haworth's aeonium.
Aeonium haworthii: Haworth's aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium hierrense or Sempervivum hierrense.
Aeonium hierrense: Sempervivum hierrense
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium mascaense or Masca's aeonium.
Aeonium mascaense: Masca's aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium percarneum or Sempervivum percarneum.
Aeonium percarneum: Sempervivum percarneum
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium sedifolium or Dwarf Aeonium.
Aeonium sedifolium: Dwarf Aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium spathulatum or Spoon-leaved aeonium.
Aeonium spathulatum: Spoon-leaved aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium undulatum or Stalked Aeonium.
Aeonium undulatum: Stalked Aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Aeonium virgineum or Virgin Ravine Aeonium.
Aeonium virgineum: Virgin Ravine Aeonium
Care of the succulent plant Agave americana or American aloe.
Agave americana: American aloe
Care of the plant Agave angustifolia Marginata or Variegated Caribbean Agave.
Agave angustifolia Marginata: Variegated Caribbean Agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave attenuata or Foxtail agave.
Agave attenuata: Foxtail agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave bracteosa or Spider agave.
Agave bracteosa: Spider agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave chiapensis or Agave teopiscana.
Agave chiapensis: Agave teopiscana
Care of the plant Agave datylio or Datilillo.
Agave datylio: Datilillo
Care of the succulent plant Agave deserti or Desert Century Plant.
Agave deserti: Desert Century Plant
Care of the plant Agave ferdinandi-regis or King of the Agaves.
Agave ferdinandi-regis: King of the Agaves
Care of the succulent plant Agave filifera or Thread agave.
Agave filifera: Thread agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave guadalajarana or Agave of Guadalajara.
Agave guadalajarana: Agave of Guadalajara
Care of the plant Agave horrida or Wicked agave.
Agave horrida: Wicked agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave impressa or Bud-Printed Leaves Agave.
Agave impressa: Bud-Printed Leaves Agave
Care of the plant Agave lechuguilla or Lechuguilla.
Agave lechuguilla: Lechuguilla
Care of the succulent plant Agave macroacantha or Black-spined agave.
Agave macroacantha: Black-spined agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave parrasana or Cabbage head agave.
Agave parrasana: Cabbage head agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave parryi or Mescal agave.
Agave parryi: Mescal agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave potatorum or Verschaffelt agave.
Agave potatorum: Verschaffelt agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave shawii or Coastal agave.
Agave shawii: Coastal agave
Care of the succulent plant Agave sisalana or Sisal.
Agave sisalana: Sisal
Care of the succulent plant Agave striata or Narrow Leaf Century Plant.
Agave striata: Narrow Leaf Century Plant
Care of the succulent plant Agave stricta or Hedgehog agave.
Agave stricta: Hedgehog agave
Care of the plant Agave univittata or McKelvey's century plant.
Agave univittata: McKelvey's century plant
Care of the succulent plant Agave victoriae-reginae or Queen Victoria agave.
Agave victoriae-reginae: Queen Victoria agave
Care of the plant Agave vilmoriniana or Octopus agave.
Agave vilmoriniana: Octopus agave
Care of the succulent plant Alluaudia ascendens or Fantsiolotse.
Alluaudia ascendens: Fantsiolotse
Care of the succulent plant Aloe aculeata or Red hot poker aloe.
Aloe aculeata: Red hot poker aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe arborescens or Candelabra aloe.
Aloe arborescens: Candelabra aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe aristata or Lace aloe.
Aloe aristata: Lace aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe barberae or Tree aloe.
Aloe barberae: Tree aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe ciliaris or Common climbing-aloe.
Aloe ciliaris: Common climbing-aloe
Care of the plant Aloe esculenta or Dishashanogha.
Aloe esculenta: Dishashanogha
Care of the succulent plant Aloe ferox or Bitter aloe.
Aloe ferox: Bitter aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe juvenna or Tiger-tooth Aloe.
Aloe juvenna: Tiger-tooth Aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe maculata or Soap aloe.
Aloe maculata: Soap aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe marlothii or Mountain aloe.
Aloe marlothii: Mountain aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe mitriformis or Mitre aloe.
Aloe mitriformis: Mitre aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe plicatilis or Fan-aloe.
Aloe plicatilis: Fan-aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe striata or Coral aloe.
Aloe striata: Coral aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe suprafoliata or Book aloe.
Aloe suprafoliata: Book aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe tenuior or Fence aloe.
Aloe tenuior: Fence aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe thraskii or Dune Aloe.
Aloe thraskii: Dune Aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe variegata or Tiger aloe.
Aloe variegata: Tiger aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe vera or True Aloe.
Aloe vera: True Aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloe x spinosissima or Spider Aloe.
Aloe x spinosissima: Spider Aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloiampelos striatula or Hardy aloe.
Aloiampelos striatula: Hardy aloe
Care of the succulent plant Aloinopsis malherbei or Giant jewel plant.
Aloinopsis malherbei: Giant jewel plant
Care of the plant Anacampseros telephiastrum or Ruelingia varians.
Anacampseros telephiastrum: Ruelingia varians
Care of the succulent plant Aptenia cordifolia or Baby sun rose.
Aptenia cordifolia: Baby sun rose
Care of the plant Aridaria brevicarpa or Day Desertfig.
Aridaria brevicarpa: Day Desertfig
Care of the cactus Ariocarpus furfuraceus or Seven Stars.
Ariocarpus furfuraceus: Seven Stars
Care of the cactus Ariocarpus retusus or Living Rock.
Ariocarpus retusus: Living Rock
Care of the plant Astroloba foliosa or Aloe foliolosa.
Astroloba foliosa: Aloe foliolosa
Care of the plant Astroloba spiralis or Aloe spiralis.
Astroloba spiralis: Aloe spiralis
Care of the cactus Astrophytum asterias or Sand Dollar Cactus.
Astrophytum asterias: Sand Dollar Cactus
Care of the cactus Astrophytum myriostigma or Bishop's Cap.
Astrophytum myriostigma: Bishop's Cap
Care of the cactus Astrophytum ornatum or Monk's Hood.
Astrophytum ornatum: Monk's Hood
Care of the cacti Austrocactus coxii or Austrocactus intertextus.
Austrocactus coxii: Austrocactus intertextus
Care of the cacti Austrocylindropuntia shaferi or Opuntia shaferi.
Austrocylindropuntia shaferi: Opuntia shaferi
Care of the cactus Austrocylindropuntia vestita or Old Man Opuntia.
Austrocylindropuntia vestita: Old Man Opuntia
Care of the succulent plant Beschorneria yuccoides or Mexican Lily.
Beschorneria yuccoides: Mexican Lily
Care of the succulent plant Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis or Brazilian Prickley Pear.
Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis: Brazilian Prickley Pear
Care of the succulent plant Browningia hertlingiana or Blue Cereus.
Browningia hertlingiana: Blue Cereus
Care of the succulent plant Calandrinia crassifolia or Purslane.
Calandrinia crassifolia: Purslane
Care of the succulent plant Caralluma hesperidium or Carrion plant.
Caralluma hesperidium: Carrion plant
Care of the cactus Carnegiea gigantea or Saguaro.
Carnegiea gigantea: Saguaro
Care of the succulent plant Carpobrotus edulis or Hottentots fig.
Carpobrotus edulis: Hottentots fig
Care of the succulent plant Carruanthus ringens or Tiger Jaws.
Carruanthus ringens: Tiger Jaws
Care of the cactus Cephalocereus senilis or Old man cactus.
Cephalocereus senilis: Old man cactus
Care of the cactus Cereus peruvianus or Peruvian apple cactus.
Cereus peruvianus: Peruvian apple cactus
Care of the cactus Cereus spegazzinii or Moonlight Cactus.
Cereus spegazzinii: Moonlight Cactus
Care of the cactus Cleistocactus hyalacanthus or Silver Torch.
Cleistocactus hyalacanthus: Silver Torch
Care of the cactus Cleistocactus samaipatanus or Borzicactus samaipatanus.
Cleistocactus samaipatanus: Borzicactus samaipatanus
Care of the cactus Cleistocactus strausii or Wooly torch cactus.
Cleistocactus strausii: Wooly torch cactus
Care of the cactus Cleistocactus winteri or Golden Rat Tail.
Cleistocactus winteri: Golden Rat Tail
Care of the cactus Copiapoa calderana or Copiapoa lembckei.
Copiapoa calderana: Copiapoa lembckei
Care of the cactus Copiapoa cinerea or Echinocactus cinereus.
Copiapoa cinerea: Echinocactus cinereus
Care of the cactus Copiapoa echinoides or Copiapoa dura.
Copiapoa echinoides: Copiapoa dura
Care of the cactus Copiapoa grandiflora or Large-flowered Copiapoa.
Copiapoa grandiflora: Large-flowered Copiapoa
Care of the cactus Copiapoa humilis or Echinocactus humilis.
Copiapoa humilis: Echinocactus humilis
Care of the cactus Copiapoa krainziana or Copiapoa scopulina.
Copiapoa krainziana: Copiapoa scopulina
Care of the cactus Copiapoa longistaminea or Adriana's Copiapoa.
Copiapoa longistaminea: Adriana's Copiapoa
Care of the cactus Copiapoa malletiana or Echinocactus malletianus.
Copiapoa malletiana: Echinocactus malletianus
Care of the cactus Copiapoa marginata or Echinocactus marginatus.
Copiapoa marginata: Echinocactus marginatus
Care of the cactus Copiapoa taltalensis or Copiapoa montana.
Copiapoa taltalensis: Copiapoa montana
Care of the cactus Coryphantha andreae or Mammillaria pycnacantha.
Coryphantha andreae: Mammillaria pycnacantha
Care of the cactus Coryphantha compacta or Pincushion Cactus.
Coryphantha compacta: Pincushion Cactus
Care of the cactus Coryphantha cornifera or Rhinoceros Cactus.
Coryphantha cornifera: Rhinoceros Cactus
Care of the cactus Coryphantha durangensis or Mammillaria durangensis.
Coryphantha durangensis: Mammillaria durangensis
Care of the cactus Coryphantha elephantidens or Elephants Tooth.
Coryphantha elephantidens: Elephants Tooth
Care of the cactus Coryphantha macromeris or Big Needle Cactus.
Coryphantha macromeris: Big Needle Cactus
Care of the cactus Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis or Coryphantha maiz-tablensis.
Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis: Coryphantha maiz-tablensis
Care of the cactus Coryphantha octacantha or Cactus octacanthus.
Coryphantha octacantha: Cactus octacanthus
Care of the cactus Coryphantha ottonis or Indian Head.
Coryphantha ottonis: Indian Head
Care of the cactus Coryphantha pallida or Pale coryphantha.
Coryphantha pallida: Pale coryphantha
Care of the cactus Coryphantha sulcata or Nipple Cactus.
Coryphantha sulcata: Nipple Cactus
Care of the cactus Coryphantha werdermannii or Jibali Pincushion Cactus.
Coryphantha werdermannii: Jibali Pincushion Cactus
Care of the succulent plant Cotyledon orbiculata or Round-leafed navel-wort.
Cotyledon orbiculata: Round-leafed navel-wort
Care of the succulent plant Cotyledon tomentosa or Bear's Paw.
Cotyledon tomentosa: Bear's Paw
Care of the succulent plant Cotyledon undulata or Silver Ruffles plant.
Cotyledon undulata: Silver Ruffles plant
Care of the succulent plant Crassula arborescens or Silver jade plant.
Crassula arborescens: Silver jade plant
Care of the plant Crassula arta or Crassula deceptor.
Crassula arta: Crassula deceptor
Care of the succulent plant Crassula Buddha's Temple or Buddha's Temple plant.
Crassula Buddha's Temple: Buddha's Temple plant
Care of the succulent plant Crassula capitella or Campfire Plant.
Crassula capitella: Campfire Plant
Care of the plant Crassula Coralita or Coralita.
Crassula Coralita: Coralita
Care of the succulent plant Crassula falcata or Propeller Plant.
Crassula falcata: Propeller Plant
Care of the succulent plant Crassula marnieriana or Jade Necklace.
Crassula marnieriana: Jade Necklace
Care of the succulent plant Crassula multicava or Fairy crassula.
Crassula multicava: Fairy crassula
Care of the succulent plant Crassula muscosa or Watch chain.
Crassula muscosa: Watch chain
Care of the plant Crassula ovata or Jade plant.
Crassula ovata: Jade plant
Care of the succulent plant Crassula perforata or String of Buttons.
Crassula perforata: String of Buttons
Care of the plant Crassula picturata or Crassula exilis. 
Crassula picturata: Crassula exilis
Care of the plant Crassula radicans or Red carpet.
Crassula radicans: Red carpet
Care of the succulent plant Crassula tetragona or Miniature Pine Tree.
Crassula tetragona: Miniature Pine Tree
Care of the cacti Cylindropuntia arbuscula or Arizona pencil cholla.
Cylindropuntia arbuscula: Arizona pencil cholla
Care of the plant Cylindropuntia fulgida or Jumping cholla.
Cylindropuntia fulgida: Jumping cholla
Care of the cactus Cylindropuntia imbricata or Tree cholla.
Cylindropuntia imbricata: Tree cholla
Care of the cactus Cylindropuntia prolifera or Coast cholla.
Cylindropuntia prolifera: Coast cholla
Care of the cactus Cylindropuntia rosea or Hudson pear.
Cylindropuntia rosea: Hudson pear
Cuidados del cactus Cylindropuntia spinosior o Choya espinosa.
Cylindropuntia spinosior: Spiny cholla
Care of the cactus Cylindropuntia tunicata or Sheathed cholla.
Cylindropuntia tunicata: Sheathed cholla
Care of the plant Cyphostemma juttae or Wild grape.
Cyphostemma juttae: Wild grape
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma cooperi or Hardy Iceplant.
Delosperma cooperi: Hardy Iceplant
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma herbeum or Highveld white vygie.
Delosperma herbeum: Highveld white vygie
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma karooicum or Ice plant.
Delosperma karooicum: Ice plant
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma lineare or Ice plant.
Delosperma lineare: Ice plant
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma pruinosum or Pickle plant.
Delosperma pruinosum: Pickle plant
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma rileyi or Ice plant.
Delosperma rileyi: Ice plant
Care of the succulent plant Delosperma tradescantioides or Kei-delosperma.
Delosperma tradescantioides: Kei-delosperma
Care of the cactus Denmoza rhodacantha or Cereus rhodacanthus.
Denmoza rhodacantha: Cereus rhodacanthus
Care of the bromeliad Deuterocohnia brevifolia or Tillandsia chlorantha.
Deuterocohnia brevifolia: Tillandsia chlorantha
Care of the plant Deuterocohnia lorentziana or Abromeitiella lorentziana.
Deuterocohnia lorentziana: Abromeitiella lorentziana
Care of the cactus Disocactus flagelliformis or Rattail cactus.
Disocactus flagelliformis: Rattail cactus
Care of the plant Disocactus martianus or Red Rat's Tail.
Disocactus martianus: Red Rat's Tail
Care of the cactus Dolichothele camptotricha or Mammillaria decipiens.
Dolichothele camptotricha: Mammillaria decipiens
Care of the succulent plant Dorotheanthus bellidiformis or Livingstone daisy.
Dorotheanthus bellidiformis: Livingstone daisy
Care of the succulent plant Drosanthemum floribundum or Rosea ice plant.
Drosanthemum floribundum: Rosea ice plant
Care of the succulent plant Dudleya albiflora or White-Flower Liveforever.
Dudleya albiflora: White-Flower Liveforever
Care of the succulent plant Dyckia fosteriana or Hardy Pineapple.
Dyckia fosteriana: Hardy Pineapple
Care of the succulent plant Echeveria agavoides or Lipstick Echeveria.
Echeveria agavoides: Lipstick Echeveria
Care of the succulent plant Echeveria elegans or Mexican snow ball.
Echeveria elegans: Mexican snow ball
Care of the succulent plant Echeveria gibbiflora or Metallic echeveria.
Echeveria gibbiflora: Metallic echeveria
Care of the succulent plant Echeveria glauca or Blue Echeveria.
Echeveria glauca: Blue Echeveria
Care of the succulent plant Echeveria pulvinata or Chenille Plant. 
Echeveria pulvinata: Chenille Plant
Care of the succulent plant Echeveria setosa or Mexican Fire Cracker.
Echeveria setosa: Mexican Fire Cracker
Care of the plant Echeveria shaviana or Mexican Hens.
Echeveria shaviana: Mexican Hens
Care of the cactus Echinocactus grusonii or Golden barrel cactus.
Echinocactus grusonii: Golden barrel cactus
Care of the cactus Echinocactus horizonthalonius or Turk's Head Cactus.
Echinocactus horizonthalonius: Turk's Head Cactus
Care of the cactus Echinocactus platyacanthus or Giant Barrel Cactus.
Echinocactus platyacanthus: Giant Barrel Cactus
Care of the plant Echinocereus cinerascens or Cereus cinerascens.
Echinocereus cinerascens: Cereus cinerascens
Care of the cactus Echinocereus pentalophus or Lady Finger Cactus.
Echinocereus pentalophus: Lady Finger Cactus
Care of the plant Echinocereus rigidissimus or Arizona Rainbow Cactus.
Echinocereus rigidissimus: Arizona Rainbow Cactus
Care of the cactus Echinocereus sciurus or Cereus sciurus.
Echinocereus sciurus: Cereus sciurus
Care of the cacti Echinomastus mariposensis or Lloyd's fishhook cactus.
Echinomastus mariposensis: Lloyd's fishhook cactus
Care of the cactus Echinopsis ancistrophora or Lobivia arachnacantha.
Echinopsis ancistrophora: Lobivia arachnacantha
Care of the cactus Echinopsis atacamensis or Cardon Grande.
Echinopsis atacamensis: Cardon Grande
Care of the cactus Echinopsis aurea or Golden Easter Lily Cactus.
Echinopsis aurea: Golden Easter Lily Cactus
Care of the cactus Echinopsis bruchii or Golden Barrel of the Andes.
Echinopsis bruchii: Golden Barrel of the Andes
Care of the cactus Echinopsis candicans or Argentine Giant.
Echinopsis candicans: Argentine Giant
Care of the cactus Echinopsis chamaecereus or Peanut Cactus.
Echinopsis chamaecereus: Peanut Cactus
Cuidados del cactus Echinopsis chiloensis o Quisco.
Echinopsis chiloensis: Echinocereus chiloensis
Cuidados del cactus Echinopsis huascha o Trichocereus huascha.
Echinopsis huascha: Red Torch Cactus
Cuidados del cactus Echinopsis oxygona o Echinopsis multiplex.
Echinopsis oxygona: Easter Lily cactus
Care of the plant Echinopsis pachanoi or San Pedro cactus.
Echinopsis pachanoi: San Pedro cactus
Cuidados del cactus Echinopsis peruviana o Antorcha peruana.
Echinopsis peruviana: Peruvian Torch
Care of the cacti Echinopsis rhodotricha or Echinopsis valida.
Echinopsis rhodotricha: Echinopsis valida
Care of the plant Echinopsis schickendantzii or Torch Cactus.
Echinopsis schickendantzii: Torch Cactus
Care of the cactus Echinopsis schieliana or Lobivia schieliana.
Echinopsis schieliana: Lobivia schieliana
Care of the cactus Echinopsis spachiana or Golden Torch Cereus.
Echinopsis spachiana: Golden Torch Cereus
Care of the cactus Echinopsis subdenudata or Easter Lily Cactus.
Echinopsis subdenudata: Easter Lily Cactus
Cuidados del cactus Echinopsis tarijensis o Poco.
Echinopsis tarijensis: Poco
Cuidados del cactus Epiphyllum o Pluma de Santa Teresa.
Epiphyllum ackermannii: Red Orchid Cactus
Care of the cactus Eriosyce crispa or Neoporteria crispa.
Eriosyce crispa: Neoporteria crispa
Care of the plant Eriosyce curvispina or Cactus curvispinus.
Eriosyce curvispina: Cactus curvispinus
Care of the cactus Eriosyce esmeraldana or Esmeraldano.
Eriosyce esmeraldana: Esmeraldano
Care of the cactus Eriosyce napina or Neoporteria napina.
Eriosyce napina: Neoporteria napina
Care of the cactus Eriosyce paucicostata or Neoporteria paucicostata.
Eriosyce paucicostata: Neoporteria paucicostata
Care of the cactus Eriosyce senilis or Neoporteria senilis.
Eriosyce senilis: Neoporteria senilis
Care of the cactus Eriosyce taltalensis or Neoporteria taltalensis.
Eriosyce taltalensis: Neoporteria taltalensis
Care of the cactus Escobaria sneedii or Sneed's Pincushion Cactus.
Escobaria sneedii: Sneed's Pincushion Cactus
Care of the cactus Escobaria vivipara or Spinystar.
Escobaria vivipara: Spinystar
Care of the cactus Espostoa lanata or Peruvian old man cactus.
Espostoa lanata: Peruvian old man cactus
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia aeruginosa or Miniature Saguaro.
Euphorbia aeruginosa: Miniature Saguaro
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia balsamifera or Balsam spurge.
Euphorbia balsamifera: Balsam spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia bivonae or Euphorbia fruticosa.
Euphorbia bivonae: Euphorbia fruticosa
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia canariensis or Canary Island spurge.
Euphorbia canariensis: Canary Island spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia candelabrum or Candelabra tree.
Euphorbia candelabrum: Candelabra tree
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis or Euphorbia decaryi.
Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis: Euphorbia decaryi
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia coerulescens or Blue Euphorbia.
Euphorbia coerulescens: Blue Euphorbia
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia echinus or Euphorbia officinarum subs echinus.
Euphorbia echinus: Euphorbia officinarum subs echinus
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia enopla or Pincushion Euphorbia.
Euphorbia enopla: Pincushion Euphorbia
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia enterophora or Milk-bush spurge.
Euphorbia enterophora: Milk-bush spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia flanaganii or Medusa's Head.
Euphorbia flanaganii: Medusa's Head
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia grandicornis or Cow's Horn.
Euphorbia grandicornis: Cow's Horn
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia handiensis or Jandia thistle.
Euphorbia handiensis: Jandia thistle
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia heptagona or Anthacantha desmetiana.
Euphorbia heptagona: Anthacantha desmetiana
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia horrida or African Milk Barrel.
Euphorbia horrida: African Milk Barrel
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia inermis or Green crown.
Euphorbia inermis: Green crown
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia ingens or Giant euphorbia.
Euphorbia ingens: Giant euphorbia
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia lactea cristata or Coral Cactus.
Euphorbia lactea cristata: Coral Cactus
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia lomelii or Slipper plant.
Euphorbia lomelii: Slipper plant
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia mammillaris or Indian Corn Cob.
Euphorbia mammillaris: Indian Corn Cob
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia meloformis or Melon spurge.
Euphorbia meloformis: Melon spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia obesa or Baseball Plant.
Euphorbia obesa: Baseball Plant
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia procumbens or Jellyfish Head Euphorbia.
Euphorbia procumbens: Jellyfish Head Euphorbia
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia resinifera or Resin spurge.
Euphorbia resinifera: Resin spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia royleana or Sullu Spurge.
Euphorbia royleana: Sullu Spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia stenoclada or Silver Thicket.
Euphorbia stenoclada: Silver Thicket
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia suzannae or Suzanne's Spurge.
Euphorbia suzannae: Suzanne's Spurge
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia tirucalli or Pencil cactus.
Euphorbia tirucalli: Pencil cactus
Care of the succulent plant Euphorbia trigona or African Milk Tree.
Euphorbia trigona: African Milk Tree
Care of the succulent plant Faucaria or Tiger Jaws.
Faucaria: Tiger Jaws
Care of the succulent plant Fenestraria rhopalophylla or Babies toes.
Fenestraria rhopalophylla: Babies toes
Care of the cactus Ferocactus alamosanus or Echinocactus alamosanus.
Ferocactus alamosanus: Echinocactus alamosanus
Care of the cactus Ferocactus cylindraceus or California barrel cactus.
Ferocactus cylindraceus: California barrel cactus
Care of the plant Ferocactus emoryi or Emory's barrel cactus.
Ferocactus emoryi: Emory's barrel cactus
Care of the cactus Ferocactus flavovirens or Echinocactus flavovirens.
Ferocactus flavovirens: Echinocactus flavovirens
Care of the cactus Ferocactus glaucescens or Blue Barrel Cactus.
Ferocactus glaucescens: Blue Barrel Cactus
Care of the plant Ferocactus hamatacanthus or Turks Head.
Ferocactus hamatacanthus: Turks Head
Care of the cactus Ferocactus histrix or Candy Barrel Cactus.
Ferocactus histrix: Candy Barrel Cactus
Care of the cactus Ferocactus latispinus or Devil's Tongue Barrel.
Ferocactus latispinus: Devil's Tongue Barrel
Care of the cactus Ferocactus peninsulae or Barrel Cactus.
Ferocactus peninsulae: Barrel Cactus
Care of the cactus Ferocactus robustus or Clump Barrel.
Ferocactus robustus: Clump Barrel
Care of the cactus Ferocactus schwarzii or Schwarz's Barrel Cactus.
Ferocactus schwarzii: Schwarz's Barrel Cactus
Care of the cactus Ferocactus stainesii or Mexican Lime Cactus.
Ferocactus stainesii: Mexican Lime Cactus
Care of the cactus Ferocactus wislizenii or Arizona Barrel Cactus.
Ferocactus wislizenii: Arizona Barrel Cactus
Care of the plant Furcraea bedinghausii or False agave.
Furcraea bedinghausii: False agave
Care of the succulent plant Furcraea selloa or Variegated Sword Lily.
Furcraea selloa: Variegated Sword Lily