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Care of the plant Eriosyce crispa or Neoporteria crispa.

Care of the cactus Eriosyce crispa or Neoporteria crispa

The genus Eriosyce, family Cactaceae, includes 35 species of cactus native to Chile, Peru, and Argentina. Some species are: Eriosyce crispa, Eriosyce taltalensis, Eriosyce napina, Eriosyce esmeraldana, Eriosyce curvispina, Eriosyce paucicostata, Eriosyce senilis.

Scientific synonyms: Neoporteria crispa, Horridocactus crispus, Neochilenia nigriscoparia. This species is native to Atacama, Chile.

They are cacti with a cylindrical or flattened body and brownish-green epidermis that reach 10 cm (3.93") in diameter. They have bulging tubercles and woolly areolas with 6-14 curved radial spines and 1-5 thicker central spines. The flowers are funnel-shaped and can be pink, red, or white.

Neoporteria crispa is used in pots as indoor, balcony or greenhouse plants.

Eriosyce crispa needs a very bright exposure and good ventilation. In Mediterranean climates it appreciates a light shade in the central hours of the day. It resists frost (with the dry substrate) of -5 ºC (23 ºF).

The soil can be a mixture of 70% coarse siliceous sand and 30% leaf mulch. Transplant every 2 years to renew the substrate.

Water moderately in spring and summer waiting for the soil to be dry. In mid-autumn they stop watering until spring.

Fertilize in spring with a mineral fertilizer for cacti rich in potassium.

Neoporteria crispa does not need pruning.

Its worst enemy is excess moisture; Eriosyce crispa is very sensitive to tissue rot.

They propagate by seeds sown in spring in a sandy substrate at 22 ºC (71.6 ºF).

Images of the cactus Eriosyce crispa or Neoporteria crispa

Eriosyce crispa
Eriosyce crispa