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Care of the plant Aloe x spinosissima or Spider Aloe.

Care of the succulent plant Aloe x spinosissima or Spider Aloe

The genus Aloe is included in the subfamily Asphodeloideae (family Xanthorrhoeaceae), which comprises about 500 species of succulent plants native to Africa, Madagascar and the Middle East. Some species are: Aloe x spinosissima, Aloe vera, Aloe variegata, Aloe thraskii, Aloe tenuior, Aloe suprafoliata, Aloe striata, Aloe plicatilis, Aloe mitriformis, Aloe marlothii, Aloe maculata, Aloe juvenna, Aloe ferox, Aloe ciliaris, Aloe barberae, Aloe aristata, Aloe arborescens, Aloe aculeataAloe esculenta.

Common name: Spider Aloe. This plant is a hybrid between the species Aloe arborescens and Aloe humilis.

They are succulent plants with short stems (sometimes they have several) that reach 1 meter (3.28 feet) in height but usually do not exceed 50 cm (1.64 feet). The leaves arise in a spiral rosette, they measure up to 30 cm (11.81") in length, they have small stingers in the concave bundle and small teeth on the convex underside and on the margin. The flowers appear in clusters above the leaves and are orange-red in color. They bloom in the second half of winter.

Spider Aloe is used to form groups, in borders, in rockeries, in cactus and succulent gardens and even in pots for patios and terraces. They are ideal for Mediterranean coastal gardens and for big cities due to their tolerance to contamination.

Aloe x spinosissima prefers light shade exposure avoiding direct sun in the middle of the day but can also be grown in full sun. It is better that the temperature does not drop below 5 ºC (41 ºF) in winter.

The soil can be a mixture, in equal parts, of leaf mulch or sphagnum peat, coarse sand and light and loose garden substrate. The transplant is done in spring.

Water moderately, waiting for the soil to dry. In summer slightly increase watering and in winter only water once a month.

Fertilize with mineral cactus fertilizer in late fall.

Spider Aloe does not need pruning but wilted inflorescences can be removed.

Aloe x spinosissima is resistant to pests and diseases, but excess water must be monitored.

Spider Aloe propagates from seeds sown in late winter or by division in spring.

Images of the succulent plant Aloe x spinosissima or Spider Aloe

Aloe x spinosissima
Aloe x spinosissima
Aloe x spinosissima