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Consulta Plantas

Gardening and plant care since 2001

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Care of the plant Abelia triflora or Indian abelia.
Abelia triflora: Indian abelia
Care of the shrub Abelia x grandiflora or Glossy Abelia.
Abelia x grandiflora: Glossy Abelia
Care of the shrub Abutilon grandifolium or Hairy Indian mallow.
Abutilon grandifolium: Hairy Indian mallow
Care of the shrub Abutilon pictum or Red Vein Indian Mallow.
Abutilon pictum: Red Vein Indian Mallow
Care of the shrub Acacia cultriformis or Knife-leaf wattle.
Acacia cultriformis: Knife-leaf wattle
Care of the shrub Acacia dodonaeifolia or Sticky wattle.
Acacia dodonaeifolia: Sticky wattle
Care of the shrub Acacia paradoxa or Kangaroo acacia.
Acacia paradoxa: Kangaroo acacia
Care of the shrub Acacia truncata or West coast wattle.
Acacia truncata: West coast wattle
Care of the shrub Acca sellowiana or Feijoa.
Acca sellowiana: Feijoa
Care of the plant Acokanthera oblongifolia or Dune poison-bush.
Acokanthera oblongifolia: Dune poison-bush
Care of the shrub Adenanthos sericeus or Woolly bush.
Adenanthos sericeus: Woolly bush
Care of the shrubs Aloysia citriodora or Lemon verbena.
Aloysia citriodora: Lemon verbena
Care of the shrub Amelanchier ovalis or Snowy mespilus.
Amelanchier ovalis: Snowy mespilus
Cuidados del arbusto Anigozanthos flavidus o Patas de canguro.
Anigozanthos flavidus: Tall Kangaroo paw
Care of the shrub Anisodontea capensis or Cape mallow.
Anisodontea capensis: Cape mallow
Care of the shrub Aralia elata or Japanese angelica tree.
Aralia elata: Japanese angelica tree
Care of the shrub Arbutus andrachne or Greek strawberry tree.
Arbutus andrachne: Greek strawberry tree
Care of the plant Arbutus canariensis or Canary Madrona.
Arbutus canariensis: Canary Madrona
Care of the shrub Arbutus unedo or Strawberry tree.
Arbutus unedo: Strawberry tree
Care of the shrub Argyranthemum frutescens or Marguerite daisy.
Argyranthemum frutescens: Marguerite daisy
Care of the plant Argyrocytisus battandieri or Pineapple broom.
Argyrocytisus battandieri: Pineapple broom
Cuidados de la planta Artemisia afra o Ajenjo silvestre.
Artemisia afra: African wormwood
Care of the shrub Artemisia californica or California sagebrush.
Artemisia californica: California sagebrush
Care of the shrub Artemisia pedemontana or Silky Wormwood.
Artemisia pedemontana: Silky Wormwood
Care of the shrub Athanasia trifurcata or Samphire-leaf athanasia.
Athanasia trifurcata: Samphire-leaf athanasia
Care of the shrub Atriplex halimus or Saltbush.
Atriplex halimus: Saltbush
Cuidados del arbusto Aucuba japonica u Hoja de oro.
Aucuba japonica: Japanese laurel
Care of the shrub Baccharis halimifolia or Groundseltree.
Baccharis halimifolia: Groundseltree
Care of the shrub Banksia praemorsa or Cut-leaf banksia.
Banksia praemorsa: Cut-leaf banksia
Care of the shrub Banksia victoriae or Woolly Orange Banksia.
Banksia victoriae: Woolly Orange Banksia
Cuidados del arbusto Barleria obtusa o Barleria.
Barleria obtusa: Bush violet
Care of the plant Begonia corallina or Begonia tamaya.
Begonia corallina: Begonia tamaya
Care of the shrub Berberis darwinii or Darwin's barberry.
Berberis darwinii: Darwin's barberry
Care of the shrub Berberis thunbergii or Japanese barberry.
Berberis thunbergii: Japanese barberry
Care of the shrub Breynia disticha or Snowbush.
Breynia disticha: Snowbush
Cuidados de la planta Brugmansia arborea o Árbol de las trompetas.
Brugmansia arborea: Angel's trumpet
Care of the shrub Brugmansia aurea or Golden angel's trumpet.
Brugmansia aurea: Golden angel's trumpet
Care of the shrub Brugmansia suaveolens or Snowy angel's trumpet.
Brugmansia suaveolens: Snowy angel's trumpet
Care of the shrub Buddleja auriculata or Weeping Sage.
Buddleja auriculata: Weeping Sage
Care of the shrub Buddleja davidii or Summer lilac.
Buddleja davidii: Summer lilac
Care of the shrub Buddleja salviifolia or Sagewood.
Buddleja salviifolia: Sagewood
Care of the shrub Bupleurum fruticosum or Shrubby hare's-ear.
Bupleurum fruticosum: Shrubby hare's-ear
Care of the plant Bupleurum salicifolium or Hare's ear.
Bupleurum salicifolium: Hare's ear
Care of the shrub Buxus balearica or Balearic boxwood.
Buxus balearica: Balearic boxwood
Care of the plant Buxus microphylla or Japanese box.
Buxus microphylla: Japanese box
Care of the shrub Buxus sempervirens or Common box.
Buxus sempervirens: Common box
Care of the shrub Caesalpinia spinosa or Tara.
Caesalpinia spinosa: Tara
Care of the shrub Calicotome villosa or Spiny broom.
Calicotome villosa: Spiny broom
Care of the shrub Calliandra tweediei or Mexican Flame bush.
Calliandra tweediei: Mexican Flame bush
Care of the shrub Callistemon citrinus or Crimson bottlebrush.
Callistemon citrinus: Crimson bottlebrush
Care of the shrub Callistemon glaucus or Albany Bottlebrush.
Callistemon glaucus: Albany Bottlebrush
Care of the shrub Callistemon pallidus or Lemon Bottlebrush.
Callistemon pallidus: Lemon Bottlebrush
Care of the shrub Callistemon rugulosus or Scarlet Bottlebrush.
Callistemon rugulosus: Scarlet Bottlebrush
Care of the shrub Callistemon viminalis or Weeping Bottlebrush.
Callistemon viminalis: Weeping Bottlebrush
Care of the shrub Calluna vulgaris or Common heather.
Calluna vulgaris: Common heather
Care of the shrub Camellia japonica or Common camellia.
Camellia japonica: Common camellia
Care of the shrub Camellia sasanqua or Sasanqua camellia.
Camellia sasanqua: Sasanqua camellia
Care of the shrub Capparis spinosa or Caper bush.
Capparis spinosa: Caper bush
Care of the shrub Carissa bispinosa or Forest Num-num.
Carissa bispinosa: Forest Num-num
Care of the shrub Carissa macrocarpa or Natal plum.
Carissa macrocarpa: Natal plum
Care of the plant Ceanothus americanus or New Jersey tea.
Ceanothus americanus: New Jersey tea
Care of the shrub Ceanothus arboreus or Island ceanothus.
Ceanothus arboreus: Island ceanothus
Care of the plant Ceanothus griseus or Carmel ceanothus.
Ceanothus griseus: Carmel ceanothus
Care of the shrub Ceanothus maritimus or Maritime ceanothus.
Ceanothus maritimus: Maritime ceanothus
Care of the shrub Ceanothus thyrsiflorus or Blueblossom.
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus: Blueblossom
Care of the shrub Ceratostigma willmottianum or Chinese plumbago.
Ceratostigma willmottianum: Chinese plumbago
Care of the plant Cercocarpus montanus or Mountain Mahogany.
Cercocarpus montanus: Mountain Mahogany
Care of the shrub Cestrum aurantiacum or Orange jessamine.
Cestrum aurantiacum: Orange jessamine
Care of the shrub Cestrum elegans or Red cestrum.
Cestrum elegans: Red cestrum
Care of the shrub Cestrum parqui or Green cestrum.
Cestrum parqui: Green cestrum
Care of the shrub Cestrum x cultum or Purple Cestrum.
Cestrum x cultum: Purple Cestrum
Care of the shrub Chaenomeles japonica or Maule's.
Chaenomeles japonica: Maule's
Care of the shrub Chamelaucium uncinatum or Geraldton wax.
Chamelaucium uncinatum: Geraldton wax
Care of the shrub Choisya ternata or Mexican orange.
Choisya ternata: Mexican orange
Care of the plant Chrysanthemoides monilifera or Boneseed.
Chrysanthemoides monilifera: Boneseed
Care of the shrub Cineraria maritima or Silver ragwort.
Cineraria maritima: Silver ragwort
Care of the shrub Cistus albidus or White-leaved rock rose.
Cistus albidus: White-leaved rock rose
Care of the shrub Cistus creticus or Pink rock-rose.
Cistus creticus: Pink rock-rose
Care of the shrub Cistus ladanifer or Gum rockrose.
Cistus ladanifer: Gum rockrose
Care of the shrub Cistus monspeliensis or Montpellier cistus.
Cistus monspeliensis: Montpellier cistus
Care of the shrub Cistus parviflorus or Rock Rose.
Cistus parviflorus: Rock Rose
Care of the shrub Cistus salviifolius or Sage-leaved rockrose.
Cistus salviifolius: Sage-leaved rockrose
Care of the shrub Cistus x pulverulentus or Magenta Rock Rose.
Cistus x pulverulentus: Magenta Rock Rose
Care of the shrub Cistus x skanbergii or Dwarf Pink Rockrose.
Cistus x skanbergii: Dwarf Pink Rockrose
Care of the shrub Cneorum pulverulentum or Neochamaelea pulverulenta.
Cneorum pulverulentum: Neochamaelea pulverulenta
Care of the shrub Cneorum tricoccon or Spurge olive.
Cneorum tricoccon: Spurge olive
Care of the shrub Coleonema album or White confetti bush.
Coleonema album: White confetti bush
Care of the shrub Coleonema pulchellum or Confetti bush.
Coleonema pulchellum: Confetti bush
Care of the shrub Colutea or Bladder Senna.
Colutea: Bladder Senna
Care of the shrub Combretum bracteosum or Hiccup nut.
Combretum bracteosum: Hiccup Nut
Care of the shrub Convolvulus cneorum or Silverbush.
Convolvulus cneorum: Silverbush
Care of the plant Convolvulus floridus or Morning-glory-tree.
Convolvulus floridus: Morning-glory-tree
Care of the shrub Coprosma repens or Mirror bush.
Coprosma repens: Mirror bush
Care of the shrub Cordyline australis or Cabbage tree.
Cordyline australis: Cabbage tree
Care of the shrub Cordyline stricta or Slender Palm Lily.
Cordyline stricta: Slender Palm Lily
Care of the shrub Cornus alba or White dogwood.
Cornus alba: White dogwood
Care of the shrub Cornus sanguinea or Common dogwood.
Cornus sanguinea: Common dogwood
Care of the shrub Coronilla valentina or Scorpion vetch.
Coronilla valentina: Scorpion vetch
Care of the shrub Cotinus coggygria or Smoke tree.
Cotinus coggygria: Smoke tree
Care of the shrub Cotoneaster horizontalis or Rockspray cotoneaster.
Cotoneaster horizontalis: Rockspray cotoneaster
Care of the shrub Cotoneaster lacteus or Late cotoneaster.
Cotoneaster lacteus: Late cotoneaster
Care of the shrub Cotoneaster pannosus or Silverleaf cotoneaster.
Cotoneaster pannosus: Silverleaf cotoneaster
Care of the shrub Crataegus monogyna or Common hawthorn.
Crataegus monogyna: Common hawthorn
Care of the shrub Crossandra infundibuliformis or Firecracker flower.
Crossandra infundibuliformis: Firecracker flower
Care of the shrub Crotalaria capensis or Cape rattle pod.
Crotalaria capensis: Cape rattle pod
Care of the shrub Croton chilensis or Oxydectes chilensis.
Croton chilensis: Oxydectes chilensis
Care of the shrub Cuphea hyssopifolia or False heather.
Cuphea hyssopifolia: False heather
Care of the shrub Cytisus racemosus or Sweet Broom.
Cytisus racemosus: Sweet Broom
Care of the shrub Dasylirion acrotrichum or Green sotol.
Dasylirion acrotrichum: Green sotol
Care of the shrub Dasylirion glaucophyllum or Hidalgo Blue Sotol.
Dasylirion glaucophyllum: Hidalgo Blue Sotol
Care of the shrub Dasylirion longissimum or Mexican Grass Tree.
Dasylirion longissimum: Mexican Grass Tree
Care of the shrub Dasylirion parryanum or Parry's Sotol.
Dasylirion parryanum: Parry's Sotol
Care of the shrub Dasylirion serratifolium or Desert Spoon.
Dasylirion serratifolium: Desert Spoon
Care of the shrub Datura or Devil's trumpets.
Datura: Devil's trumpets
Care of the shrub Deutzia scabra or Fuzzy deutzia.
Deutzia scabra: Fuzzy deutzia
Care of the shrub Dimorphotheca cuneata or Rain flower.
Dimorphotheca cuneata: Rain flower
Care of the shrub Diosma ericoides or Breath of heaven.
Diosma ericoides: Breath of heaven
Care of the shrub Dodonaea viscosa or Sticky hop bush.
Dodonaea viscosa: Sticky hop bush
Care of the shrub Dombeya burgessiae or Pink wild pear.
Dombeya burgessiae: Pink wild pear
Care of the shrub Dombeya tiliacea or Forest wild pear.
Dombeya tiliacea: Forest wild pear
Care of the shrub Duranta repens or Golden dewdrop.
Duranta repens: Golden dewdrop
Care of the shrub Ebenus cretica or Cretan ebony.
Ebenus cretica: Cretan ebony
Care of the plant Echium fastuosum or Pride of Madeira.
Echium fastuosum: Pride of Madeira
Care of the shrub Elaeagnus x ebbingei or Ebbing's Silverberry.
Elaeagnus x ebbingei: Ebbing's Silverberry
Care of the shrub Elaeagnus pungens or Thorny olive.
Elaeagnus pungens: Thorny olive
Care of the shrub Elaeagnus x reflexa or Elaeagnus hybrid.
Elaeagnus x reflexa: Elaeagnus hybrid
Care of the shrub Encelia farinosa or Brittlebush.
Encelia farinosa: Brittlebush
Care of the shrub Ephedra altissima or Chaetocladus altissima.
Ephedra altissima: Chaetocladus altissima
Care of the shrub Ephedra californica or California Jointfir.
Ephedra californica: California Jointfir
Care of the shrub Eremophila divaricata or Spreading emu bush.
Eremophila divaricata: Spreading emu bush
Cuidados del arbusto Eremophila glabra o Arbusto de alquitrán.
Eremophila glabra: Tar bush
Care of the shrub Eremophila laanii or Emu Bush.
Eremophila laanii: Emu Bush
Care of the shrub Eremophila maculata or Spotted emu bush.
Eremophila maculata: Spotted emu bush
Care of the shrub Erica arborea or Tree heather.
Erica arborea: Tree heather
Care of the shrub Erica gracilis or Cape heath.
Erica gracilis: Cape heath
Care of the shrub Erica multiflora or Mediterranean Heather.
Erica multiflora: Mediterranean Heather
Care of the shrub Eriocephalus africanus or Cape Snow Bush.
Eriocephalus africanus: Cape Snow Bush
Care of the shrub Eriogonum fasciculatum or California buckwheat.
Eriogonum fasciculatum: California buckwheat
Care of the shrub Eriogonum giganteum or St Catherine's lace.
Eriogonum giganteum: Alforfón gigante
Care of the shrub Escallonia illinita or Escallonia viscosa.
Escallonia illinita: Escallonia viscosa
Care of the plant Escallonia pulverulenta or Escallonia.
Escallonia pulverulenta: Escallonia
Care of the shrub Escallonia rubra or Red escallonia.
Escallonia rubra: Red escallonia
Care of the shrub Euonymus fortunei or Fortune's spindle.
Euonymus fortunei: Fortune's spindle
Care of the shrub Euonymus japonicus or Japanese spindle.
Euonymus japonicus: Japanese spindle
Care of the plant Euphorbia anachoreta or Selvagens spurge.
Euphorbia anachoreta: Selvagens spurge
Care of the shrub Euphorbia characias or Mediterranean spurge.
Euphorbia characias: Mediterranean spurge
Care of the shrub Euphorbia cotinifolia or Caribbean copper.
Euphorbia cotinifolia: Caribbean copper
Care of the plant Euphorbia dendroides or Tree spurge.
Euphorbia dendroides: Tree spurge
Care of the plant Euphorbia lambii or Tree Euphorbia.
Euphorbia lambii: Tree Euphorbia
Care of the shrub Euphorbia leucocephala or Snows of Kilimanjaro.
Euphorbia leucocephala: Snows of Kilimanjaro
Care of the shrub Euphorbia milii or Crown of thorns.
Euphorbia milii: Crown of thorns
Care of the shrub Euphorbia piscatoria or Fish-stunning Spurge.
Euphorbia piscatoria: Fish-stunning Spurge
Care of the plant Euphorbia pulcherrima or Poinsettia.
Euphorbia pulcherrima: Poinsettia
Care of the shrub Euphorbia regis-jubae or King Juba's Euphorbia.
Euphorbia regis-jubae: King Juba's Euphorbia
Care of the shrub Euphorbia rigida or Silver Spurge.
Euphorbia rigida: Silver Spurge
Care of the shrub Euphorbia umbellata or African Milk Bush.
Euphorbia umbellata: African Milk Bush
Cuidados del arbusto Euryops pectinatus, Margarita amarilla o Margaritero gris.
Euryops pectinatus: Margarita amarilla
Cuidados del arbusto Euryops virgineus o Euryops miel.
Euryops virgineus: Euryops miel
Care of the plant Forsythia x intermedia or Border Forsythia.
Forsythia x intermedia: Border Forsythia
Care of the plant Frangula californica or Coffeeberry.
Frangula californica: Coffeeberry
Care of the shrub Freylinia lanceolata or Honey bells.
Freylinia lanceolata: Honey bells
Care of the plant Freylinia visseri or Honey bell bush.
Freylinia visseri: Honey bell bush
Care of the shrub Fuchsia arborescens or Tree fuchsia.
Fuchsia arborescens: Tree fuchsia
Care of the plant Fuchsia magellanica or Hardy fuchsia.
Fuchsia magellanica: Hardy fuchsia
Care of the plant Fuchsia x hybrida or Hybrid fuchsia.
Fuchsia x hybrida: Hybrid fuchsia
Care of the plant Gardenia jasminoides or Cape Jasmine.
Gardenia jasminoides: Cape Jasmine
Care of the shrub Gaultheria procumbens or American wintergreen.
Gaultheria procumbens: American wintergreen
Care of the shrub Globularia salicina or Canary Globe flower.
Globularia salicina: Canary Globe flower
Care of the plant Gonospermum ferulaceum or Tanacetum ferulaceum.
Gonospermum ferulaceum: Tanacetum ferulaceum
Care of the shrub Grevillea brachystachya or Short-spiked Grevillea.
Grevillea brachystachya: Short-spiked Grevillea
Care of the shrub Grevillea Clearview David or Grevillea.
Grevillea Clearview David: Grevillea
Care of the plant Grevillea crithmifolia or Grevillea.
Grevillea crithmifolia: Grevillea
Care of the shrub Grevillea Golden Yu-Lo or Grevillea.
Grevillea Golden Yu-Lo: Grevillea
Care of the shrub Grevillea johnsonii or Johnson's spider flower.
Grevillea johnsonii: Johnson's spider flower
Care of the shrub Grevillea juniperina or Juniper grevillea.
Grevillea juniperina: Juniper grevillea
Care of the shrub Grevillea lanigera or Wooly Grevillea.
Grevillea lanigera: Wooly Grevillea
Care of the plant Grevillea olivacea or Olive grevillea.
Grevillea olivacea: Olive grevillea
Care of the shrub Grevillea rosmarinifolia or Rosemary grevillea.
Grevillea rosmarinifolia: Rosemary grevillea
Care of the shrub Grewia occidentalis or Cross-berry.
Grewia occidentalis: Cross-berry
Cuidados del arbusto Grewia occidentalis o Cross-berry.
Grewia occidentalis: Cross-berry
Care of the plant Greyia flanaganii or Kei bottlebrush.
Greyia flanaganii: Kei bottlebrush
Care of the shrub Hakea bucculenta or Red pokers.
Hakea bucculenta: Red pokers
Care of the shrub Hakea cristata or Snail hakea.
Hakea cristata: Snail hakea
Care of the shrub Hakea laurina or Pin-cushion hakea.
Hakea laurina: Pin-cushion hakea
Care of the shrub Hakea leucoptera or Silver needlewood.
Hakea leucoptera: Silver needlewood
Care of the plant Hakea nitida or Frog hakea.
Hakea nitida: Frog hakea
Care of the shrub Hakea orthorrhyncha or Bird Beak Hakea.
Hakea orthorrhyncha: Bird Beak Hakea
Care of the shrub Hakea petiolaris or Sea-urchin Hakea.
Hakea petiolaris: Sea-urchin Hakea
Care of the shrub Hakea prostrata or Harsh hakea.
Hakea prostrata: Harsh hakea
Care of the shrub Hakea recurva or Jarnockmert.
Hakea recurva: Jarnockmert
Care of the shrub Hebe albicans or White hebe.
Hebe albicans: White hebe
Care of the shrub Hebe salicifolia or Willow-leaf hebe.
Hebe salicifolia: Willow-leaf hebe
Care of the plant Hebe speciosa or New Zealand hebe.
Hebe speciosa: New Zealand hebe
Care of the shrub Helichrysum cymosum or Licorice Plant.
Helichrysum cymosum: Licorice Plant
Care of the shrub Helichrysum patulum or Honey everlasting.
Helichrysum patulum: Honey everlasting
Care of the shrub Helichrysum petiolare or Licorice-plant.
Helichrysum petiolare: Licorice-plant
Care of the shrub Helichrysum splendidum or Cape gold.
Helichrysum splendidum: Cape gold
Care of the shrub Helichrysum teretifolium or Dune Scrub Everlasting.
Helichrysum teretifolium: Dune Scrub Everlasting
Care of the plant Heliotropium arborescens or Heliotrope.
Heliotropium arborescens: Heliotrope
Care of the shrub Hesperoyucca whipplei or Chaparral yucca.
Hesperoyucca whipplei: Chaparral yucca
Care of the plant Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or Chinese Hibiscus.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or Chinese Hibiscus
Care of the plant Hibiscus syriacus or Rose of Sharon.
Hibiscus syriacus: Rose of Sharon
Care of the shrub Hippocrepis balearica or Rocky violet.
Hippocrepis balearica: Rocky violet
Care of the plant Hippocrepis emerus or Scorpion senna.
Hippocrepis emerus: Scorpion senna
Care of the plant Hydrangea macrophylla or Hortensia.
Hydrangea macrophylla: Hortensia
Care of the shrub Hydrangea paniculata or Panicled hydrangea.
Hydrangea paniculata: Panicled hydrangea
Care of the plant Hypericum calycinum or Rose-of-Sharon.
Hypericum calycinum: Rose-of-Sharon
Care of the plant Hypericum canariense or Canary Island hypericum.
Hypericum canariense: Canary Island hypericum
Care of the plant Hypericum grandifolium or Large-leaved Hypericum.
Hypericum grandifolium: Large-leaved Hypericum
Care of the plant Hypericum revolutum or Curry bush.
Hypericum revolutum: Curry bush
Care of the shrub Hypericum roeperianum or Large-leaved curry bush.
Hypericum roeperianum: Large-leaved curry bush
Care of the shrub Hypericum x inodorum or St John's Wort.
Hypericum x inodorum: St John's Wort