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Consulta Plantas

Gardening and plant care since 2001

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Care of the climbing plant Abutilon megapotamicum or Trailing abutilon.
Abutilon megapotamicum: Trailing abutilon
Care of the climbing plant Allamanda cathartica or Golden trumpet.
Allamanda cathartica: Golden trumpet
Care of the climbing plant Allamanda violacea or Purple allamanda.
Allamanda violacea: Purple allamanda
Care of the plant Ampelopsis aconitifolia or Monkshood vine.
Ampelopsis aconitifolia: Monkshood vine
Care of the climbing plant Araujia sericifera or Cruel vine.
Araujia sericifera: Cruel vine
Care of the climbing plant Aristolochia or Dutchman's pipe.
Aristolochia: Dutchman's pipe
Care of the climbing plant Asparagus falcatus or Sicklethorn.
Asparagus falcatus: Sicklethorn
Care of the climbing plant Asparagus setaceus or Common asparagus fern.
Asparagus setaceus: Common asparagus fern
Care of the climbing plant Bauhinia galpinii or Red Orchid Bush.
Bauhinia galpinii: Red Orchid Bush
Care of the climbing plant Bougainvillea or Paperflower.
Bougainvillea: Paperflower
Care of the climbing plant Calystegia or Bindweed.
Calystegia: Bindweed
Care of the climbing plant Campsis radicans or Trumpet vine.
Campsis radicans: Trumpet vine
Care of the climbing plant Canarina canariensis or Canary Island bellflower.
Canarina canariensis: Canary Island bellflower
Care of the climbing plant Cissus antarctica or Kangaroo vine.
Cissus antarctica: Kangaroo vine
Care of the climbing plant Cissus rhombifolia or Grape Ivy.
Cissus rhombifolia: Grape Ivy
Care of the plant Clematis armandii or Armand Clematis.
Clematis armandii: Armand Clematis
Care of the climbing plant Clematis vitalba or Old man's beard.
Clematis vitalba: Old man's beard
Care of the plant Clematis x jackmanii or Jackman's Clematis.
Clematis x jackmanii: Jackman's Clematis
Care of the climbing plant Clerodendrum x speciosum or Pagoda Flower.
Clerodendrum x speciosum: Pagoda Flower
Care of the climbing plant Cobaea scandens or Mexican ivy.
Cobaea scandens: Mexican ivy
Care of the plant Convolvulus althaeoides or Mallow bindweed.
Convolvulus althaeoides: Mallow bindweed
Care of the plant Convolvulus canariensis or Nemostima canariensis.
Convolvulus canariensis: Nemostima canariensis
Care of the climbing plant Crotalaria agatiflora or Canary bird bush.
Crotalaria agatiflora: Canary bird bush
Care of the climbing plant Distictis buccinatoria or Red Trumpet Vine.
Distictis buccinatoria: Red Trumpet Vine
Care of the climbing plant Fallopia baldschuanica or Russian vine.
Fallopia baldschuanica: Russian vine
Care of the climbing plant Gelsemium sempervirens or Carolina jasmine.
Gelsemium sempervirens: Carolina jasmine
Care of the climbing plant Gloriosa rothschildiana or Flame lily.
Gloriosa rothschildiana: Flame lily
Care of the climbing plant Hardenbergia violacea or Purple coral pea.
Hardenbergia violacea: Purple coral pea
Care of the plant Hedera algeriensis or Algerian ivy.
Hedera algeriensis: Algerian ivy
Care of the climbing plant Hedera canariensis or Canarian ivy.
Hedera canariensis: Canarian ivy
Care of the climbing plant Hedera helix or Common ivy.
Hedera helix: Common ivy
Care of the climbing plant Homalocladium platycladum or Centipede plant.
Homalocladium platycladum: Centipede plant
Care of the climbing plant Ipomoea alba or Moonflower.
Ipomoea alba: Moonflower
Care of the climbing plant Ipomoea cairica or Coast morning glory.
Ipomoea cairica: Coast morning glory
Care of the climbing plant Ipomoea indica or Blue morning glory.
Ipomoea indica: Blue morning glory
Care of the climbing plant Ipomoea lobata or Spanish flag.
Ipomoea lobata: Spanish flag
Care of the climbing plant Ipomoea purpurea or Common morning-glory.
Ipomoea purpurea: Common morning-glory
Care of the climbing plant Ipomoea tricolor or Morning Glory.
Ipomoea tricolor: Morning Glory
Care of the climbing plant Jasminum humile or Italian jasmine.
Jasminum humile: Italian jasmine
Care of the climbing plant Jasminum mesnyi or Primrose jasmine.
Jasminum mesnyi: Primrose jasmine
Care of the climbing plant Jasminum nitidum or Angelwing Jasmine.
Jasminum nitidum: Angelwing Jasmine
Care of the plant Jasminum officinale or Common jasmine.
Jasminum officinale: Common jasmine
Care of the climbing plant Jasminum polyanthum or Pink jasmine.
Jasminum polyanthum: Pink jasmine
Care of the plant Juanulloa mexicana or Gold Finger Plant.
Juanulloa mexicana: Gold Finger Plant
Care of the plant Lathyrus odoratus or Sweet pea.
Lathyrus odoratus: Sweet pea
Care of the climbing plant Lonicera etrusca or Etruscan honeysuckle.
Lonicera etrusca: Etruscan honeysuckle
Care of the climbing plant Lonicera implexa or Evergreen Honeysuckle.
Lonicera implexa: Evergreen Honeysuckle
Care of the climbing plant Lonicera japonica or Japanese honeysuckle.
Lonicera japonica: Japanese honeysuckle
Care of the climbing plant Lonicera periclymenum or Common honeysuckle.
Lonicera periclymenum: Common honeysuckle
Care of the climbing plant Macfadyena unguis-cati or Cats claw creeper.
Macfadyena unguis-cati: Cats claw creeper
Care of the climbing plant Mandevilla laxa or Chilean Jasmine.
Mandevilla laxa: Chilean Jasmine
Care of the climbing plant Mandevilla sanderi or Brazilian jasmine.
Mandevilla sanderi: Brazilian jasmine
Care of the climbing plant Momordica charantia or Bitter melon.
Momordica charantia: Bitter melon
Care of the climbing plant Muehlenbeckia complexa or Maidenhair vine.
Muehlenbeckia complexa: Maidenhair vine
Care of the climbing plant Muehlenbeckia hastulata or Wirevine.
Muehlenbeckia hastulata: Wirevine
Care of the plant Parthenocissus henryana or Chinese Virginia creeper.
Parthenocissus henryana: Chinese Virginia creeper
Care of the climbing plant Parthenocissus inserta or False Virginia creeper.
Parthenocissus inserta: False Virginia creeper
Care of the climbing plant Parthenocissus quinquefolia or Virginia creeper.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia: Virginia creeper
Care of the climbing plant Parthenocissus tricuspidata or Boston ivy.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata: Boston ivy
Care of the climbing plant Passiflora caerulea or Common passionflower.
Passiflora caerulea: Common passionflower
Care of the climbing plant Passiflora vitifolia or Vine-leaved passion flower.
Passiflora vitifolia: Vine-leaved passion flower
Care of the climbing plant Passiflora x decaisneana or Passion Flower.
Passiflora x decaisneana: Passion Flower
Care of the climbing plant Passiflora x violacea or Violet Passion Flower.
Passiflora x violacea: Violet Passion Flower
Care of the climbing plant Podranea ricasoliana or Pink trumpet vine.
Podranea ricasoliana: Pink trumpet vine
Care of the climbing plant Pyrostegia venusta or Flame vine.
Pyrostegia venusta: Flame vine
Care of the climbing plant Rhoicissus digitata or Baboon grape.
Rhoicissus digitata: Baboon grape
Care of the climbing plant Rosa banksiae or Lady Banks' rose.
Rosa banksiae: Lady Banks' rose
Care of the climbing plant Senecio angulatus or Creeping groundsel.
Senecio angulatus: Creeping groundsel
Care of the climbing plant Senecio macroglossus or Natal ivy.
Senecio macroglossus: Natal ivy
Care of the climbing plant Senecio mikanioides or German ivy.
Senecio mikanioides: German ivy
Care of the climbing plant Smilax aspera or Sarsaparille.
Smilax aspera: Sarsaparille
Care of the climbing plant Solandra maxima or Cup of gold vine.
Solandra maxima: Cup of gold vine
Care of the climbing plant Solanum jasminoides or Potato vine.
Solanum jasminoides: Potato vine
Care of the plant Solanum rantonnetti or Blue potato bush.
Solanum rantonnetti: Blue potato bush
Care of the climbing plant Solanum wendlandii or Costa Rican Nightshade.
Solanum wendlandii: Costa Rican Nightshade
Care of the climbing plant Streptosolen jamesonii or Marmalade bush.
Streptosolen jamesonii: Marmalade bush
Care of the climbing plant Tecoma capensis or Cape honeysuckle.
Tecoma capensis: Cape honeysuckle
Care of the plant Tetrastigma voinierianum or Chestnut vine. 
Tetrastigma voinierianum: Chestnut vine
Care of the climbing plant Thunbergia alata or Black-eyed Susan vine.
Thunbergia alata: Black-eyed Susan vine
Care of the climbing plant Thunbergia grandiflora or Blue trumpet vine.
Thunbergia grandiflora: Blue trumpet vine
Care of the plant Trachelospermum asiaticum or Asiatic jasmine.
Trachelospermum asiaticum: Asiatic jasmine
Care of the indoor plant Trachelospermum jasminoides or Star jasmine.
Trachelospermum jasminoides: Star jasmine
Care of the plant Tropaeolum majus or Common Nasturtium.
Tropaeolum majus: Common Nasturtium
Care of the climbing plant Vitis vinifera or Wine grape.
Vitis vinifera: Wine grape
Care of the plant Wisteria floribunda or Japanese wisteria.
Wisteria floribunda: Japanese wisteria
Care of the plant Wisteria sinensis or Chinese wisteria.
Wisteria sinensis: Chinese wisteria