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Consulta Plantas

Gardening and plant care since 2001

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Cuidados de la planta bulbosa Acidanthera bicolor o Gladiolo de Abisinia.
Acidanthera bicolor: Gladiolus murielae
Care of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris or Maidenhair fern.
Adiantum capillus-veneris: Maidenhair fern
Care of the rhizomatous plant Agapanthus africanus or African lily.
Agapanthus africanus: African lily
Care of the plant Agapanthus praecox or Common agapanthus.
Agapanthus praecox: Common agapanthus
Care of the plant Ajania pacifica or Gold and silver chrysanthemum.
Ajania pacifica: Gold and silver chrysanthemum
Care of the bulbous plant Albuca bracteata or Pregnant onion.
Albuca bracteata: Pregnant onion
Care of the bulbous plant Albuca spiralis or Corkscrew albuca.
Albuca spiralis: Corkscrew albuca
Care of the aquatic plant Alisma plantago-aquatica or Common water-plantain.
Alisma plantago-aquatica: Common water-plantain
Care of the bulbous plant Allium neapolitanum or White Garlic.
Allium neapolitanum: White Garlic
Care of the bulbous plant Allium schoenoprasum or Chives.
Allium schoenoprasum: Chives
Care of the bulbous plant Allium triquetrum or Three-cornered leek.
Allium triquetrum: Three-cornered leek
Care of the plant Alpinia zerumbet or Shell ginger.
Alpinia zerumbet: Shell ginger
Care of the rhizomatous plant Alstroemeria or Peruvian lily.
Alstroemeria: Peruvian lily
Care of the plant Alstroemeria revoluta or Inca Lily.
Alstroemeria revoluta: Inca Lily
Care of the bulbous plant Amaryllis belladonna or Jersey lily.
Amaryllis belladonna: Jersey lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Anemone coronaria or Poppy anemone.
Anemone coronaria: Poppy anemone
Care of the plant Anemone x hybrida or Japanese anemone.
Anemone x hybrida: Japanese anemone
Care of the rhizomatous plant Anthericum liliago or St Bernard's lily.
Anthericum liliago: St Bernard's lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Arum or Arum lily.
Arum: Arum lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Asphodelus aestivus or Summer asphodel.
Asphodelus aestivus: Summer asphodel
Care of the rhizomatous plant Astilbe x arendsii or Astilbe hybrid.
Astilbe x arendsii: Astilbe hybrid
Care of the bulbous plant Babiana stricta or Baboon flower.
Babiana stricta: Baboon flower
Care of the tuberous plant Begonia elatior or Reiger Begonia.
Begonia elatior: Reiger Begonia
Care of the tuberous plant Begonia grandis or Hardy begonia.
Begonia grandis: Hardy begonia
Care of the tuberous plant Begonia heracleifolia or Star begonia.
Begonia heracleifolia: Star begonia
Care of the rhizomatous plant Begonia rex or Painted-Leaf Begonia.
Begonia rex: Painted-Leaf Begonia
Care of the tuberous plant Begonia x tuberhybrida or Tuberous Begonia.
Begonia x tuberhybrida: Tuberous Begonia
Care of the bulbous plant Bulbinella cauda-felis or Cat's Tail Bulbinella.
Bulbinella cauda-felis: Cat's Tail Bulbinella
Care of the rhizomatous plant Canna coccinea or Canna Lily.
Canna coccinea: Canna Lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Canna indica or Edible canna.
Canna indica: Edible canna
Care of the bulbous plant Chasmanthe floribunda or Cobra lily.
Chasmanthe floribunda: Cobra lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Clivia x cyrtanthiflora or Hybrid Clivia.
Clivia x cyrtanthiflora: Hybrid Clivia
Care of the bulbous plant Colchicum autumnale or Autumn crocus.
Colchicum autumnale: Autumn crocus
Care of the rhizomatous plant Convallaria majalis or Lily of the valley.
Convallaria majalis: Lily of the valley
Care of the bulbous plant Crinum or Crinum lily.
Crinum: Crinum lily
Care of the bulbous plant Crocosmia or Montbretia.
Crocosmia: Montbretia
Care of the bulbous plant Crocus or Saffron.
Crocus: Saffron
Care of the rhizomatous plant Curcuma alismatifolia or Siam tulip.
Curcuma alismatifolia: Siam tulip
Care of the plant Cyclamen persicum or Persian cyclamen.
Cyclamen persicum: Persian cyclamen
Care of the aquatic plant Cyperus alternifolius or Umbrella papyrus.
Cyperus alternifolius: Umbrella papyrus
Care of the aquatic plant Cyperus haspan or Dwarf papyrus sedge.
Cyperus haspan: Dwarf papyrus sedge
Care of the aquatic plant Cyperus papyrus or Paper reed.
Cyperus papyrus: Paper reed
Care of the bulbous plant Cyrtanthus elatus or Scarborough lily.
Cyrtanthus elatus: Scarborough lily
Care of the tuberous plant Dahlia coccinea or Red dahlia.
Dahlia coccinea: Red dahlia
Care of the tuberous plant Dahlia imperialis or Tree Dahlia.
Dahlia imperialis: Tree Dahlia
Care of the tuberous plant Dahlia pinnata or Garden dahlia.
Dahlia pinnata: Garden dahlia
Care of the rhizomatous plant Dietes bicolor or Butterfly flag.
Dietes bicolor: Butterfly flag
Care of the rhizomatous plant Dietes iridioides or African iris.
Dietes iridioides: African iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Dracunculus vulgaris or Dragon lily.
Dracunculus vulgaris: Dragon lily
Care of the aquatic plant Eichhornia crassipes or Common water hyacinth.
Eichhornia crassipes: Common water hyacinth
Care of the plant Ensete ventricosum or False banana.
Ensete ventricosum: False banana
Care of the aquatic plant Equisetum hyemale or Rough horsetail.
Equisetum hyemale: Rough horsetail
Care of the bulbous plant Eucharis x grandiflora or Amazon lily.
Eucharis x grandiflora: Amazon lily
Care of the bulbous plant Eucomis autumnalis or Autumn pineapple lily.
Eucomis autumnalis: Autumn pineapple lily
Care of the plant Freesia caryophyllacea or Freesia elimensis.
Freesia caryophyllacea: Freesia elimensis
Care of the plant Freesia fucata or Painted Kammetjie.
Freesia fucata: Painted Kammetjie
Care of the plant Freesia x hybrida or Freesia hybrid.
Freesia x hybrida: Freesia hybrid
Care of the bulbous plant Fritillaria or Fritillaries.
Fritillaria: Fritillaries
Care of the rhizomatous plant Gaura lindheimeri or White gaura.
Gaura lindheimeri: White gaura
Care of the bulbous plant Gladiolus carneus or Painted Lady Gladiolus.
Gladiolus carneus: Painted Lady Gladiolus
Care of the plant Gladiolus x gandavensis or Hybrid Gladiola.
Gladiolus x gandavensis: Hybrid Gladiola
Care of the bulbous plant Haemanthus albiflos or White paint brush.
Haemanthus albiflos: White paint brush
Care of the plant Hedychium gardnerianum or Kahili ginger.
Hedychium gardnerianum: Kahili ginger
Care of the rhizomatous plant Helleborus niger or Christmas rose.
Helleborus niger: Christmas rose
Care of the plant Helleborus orientalis or Lenten rose.
Helleborus orientalis: Lenten rose
Care of the plant Hemerocallis fulva or Orange daylily.
Hemerocallis fulva: Orange daylily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Heuchera sanguinea or Coral bells.
Heuchera sanguinea: Coral bells
Care of the plant Hippeastrum x hybridum or Amaryllis.
Hippeastrum x hybridum: Amaryllis
Care of the plant Hosta fortunei or Siebold's plantain lily.
Hosta fortunei: Siebold's plantain lily
Care of the bulbous plant Hyacinthoides hispanica or Spanish bluebell.
Hyacinthoides hispanica: Spanish bluebell
Care of the bulbous plant Hyacinthus orientalis or Common hyacinth.
Hyacinthus orientalis: Common hyacinth
Care of the bulbous plant Hymenocallis or Spider lily.
Hymenocallis: Spider lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Hypoxis setosa or Yellow star grass.
Hypoxis setosa: Yellow star grass
Care of the plant Iris aucheri or Aucher-Éloy iris.
Iris aucheri: Aucher-Éloy iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Iris foetidissima or Roast-beef plant.
Iris foetidissima: Roast-beef plant
Care of the rhizomatous plant Iris germanica or Bearded iris.
Iris germanica: Bearded iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Iris orientalis or Turkish iris.
Iris orientalis: Turkish iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Iris pseudacorus or Yellow iris.
Iris pseudacorus: Yellow iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Iris unguicularis or Algerian iris.
Iris unguicularis: Algerian iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Iris xiphium or Spanish iris.
Iris xiphium: Spanish iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Isolepis cernua or Fiber optic grass.
Isolepis cernua: Fiber optic grass
Care of the bulbous plant Ixia viridiflora or Turquoise ixia.
Ixia viridiflora: Turquoise ixia
Care of the bulbous plant Ledebouria socialis or Silver squill.
Ledebouria socialis: Silver squill
Care of the bulbous plant Leucojum aestivum or Summer snowflake.
Leucojum aestivum: Summer snowflake
Care of the plant Lilium bulbiferum or Orange lily.
Lilium bulbiferum: Orange lily
Care of the plant Lilium orientalis or Oriental Lily
Lilium orientalis: Oriental Lily
Care of the plant Liriope muscari or Monkey grass.
Liriope muscari: Monkey grass
Care of the plant Lythrum salicaria or Purple loosestrife.
Lythrum salicaria: Purple loosestrife
Care of the bulbous plant Massonia pustulata or Blistered massonia.
Massonia pustulata: Blistered massonia
Care of the bulbous plant Moraea ochroleuca or Apricot Tulp.
Moraea ochroleuca: Apricot Tulp
Care of the bulbous plant Moraea polystachya or Cape blue tulip.
Moraea polystachya: Cape blue tulip
Cuidados de la planta rizomatosa Musa x paradisiaca o Bananero-
Musa x paradisiaca: Bananero
Care of the bulbous plant Muscari azureum or Azure grape hyacinth.
Muscari azureum: Azure grape hyacinth
Care of the bulbous plant Muscari macrocarpum or Yellow Grape Hyacinth.
Muscari macrocarpum: Yellow Grape Hyacinth
Care of the plant Muscari neglectum or Common grape hyacinth.
Muscari neglectum: Common grape hyacinth
Care of the aquatic plant Myriophyllum aquaticum or Parrot's-feather.
Myriophyllum aquaticum: Parrot's-feather
Care of the bulbous plant Narcissus tazetta or Paperwhite.
Narcissus tazetta: Paperwhite
Care of the plant Nelumbo nucifera or Sacred lotus.
Nelumbo nucifera: Sacred lotus
Care of the rhizomatous plant Neomarica gracilis or Walking iris.
Neomarica gracilis: Walking iris
Care of the rhizomatous plant Neomarica longifolia or Yellow Walking Iris.
Neomarica longifolia: Yellow Walking Iris
Care of the bulbous plant Nerine bowdenii or Guernsey lily.
Nerine bowdenii: Guernsey lily
Care of the aquatic plant Nuphar lutea or Yellow water-lily.
Nuphar lutea: Yellow water-lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Ophiopogon or Lilyturf.
Ophiopogon: Lilyturf
Care of the plant Ornithogalum arabicum or Arabian star flower.
Ornithogalum arabicum: Arabian star flower
Care of the bulbous plant Ornithogalum dubium or Star of Bethlehem.
Ornithogalum dubium: Star of Bethlehem
Care of the bulbous plant Ornithogalum thyrsoides or Wonder-flower.
Ornithogalum thyrsoides: Wonder-flower
Care of the plant Pancratium maritimum or Sea daffodil.
Pancratium maritimum: Sea daffodil
Care of the bulbous plant Pasithea coerulea or Blue pasithea.
Pasithea coerulea: Blue pasithea
Care of the rhizomatous plant Pennisetum or Fountain grasses.
Pennisetum: Fountain grasses
Care of the plant Phormium tenax or New Zealand flax.
Phormium tenax: New Zealand flax
Care of the rhizomatous plant Polygonatum odoratum or Solomon's-Seal.
Polygonatum odoratum: Solomon's-Seal
Care of the plant Pontederia cordata or Pickerelweed.
Pontederia cordata: Pickerelweed
Care of the bulbous plant Puschkinia scilloides or Striped squill.
Puschkinia scilloides: Striped squill
Care of the tuberous plant Ranunculus asiaticus or Persian buttercup.
Ranunculus asiaticus: Persian buttercup
Care of the plant Ranunculus cortusifolius or Canary buttercup.
Ranunculus cortusifolius: Canary buttercup
Care of the rhizomatous plant Rohdea japonica or Japanese sacred lily.
Rohdea japonica: Japanese sacred lily
Care of the bulbous plant Scilla latifolia or Giant Squill.
Scilla latifolia: Giant Squill
Care of the bulbous plant Scilla natalensis or Blue Scilla.
Scilla natalensis: Blue Scilla
Care of the bulbous plant Scilla obtusifolia or Prospero obtusifolium.
Scilla obtusifolia: Prospero obtusifolium
Care of the bulbous plant Scilla peruviana or Portuguese squill.
Scilla peruviana: Portuguese squill
Care of the plant Sisyrinchium striatum or Pale yellow-eyed grass.
Sisyrinchium striatum: Pale yellow-eyed grass
Care of the bulbous plant Sparaxis tricolor or Harlequin flower.
Sparaxis tricolor: Harlequin flower
Care of the plant Sternbergia lutea or Winter daffodil.
Sternbergia lutea: Winter daffodil
Care of the plant Strelitzia alba or Strelitzia augusta.
Strelitzia alba: Strelitzia augusta
Care of the plant Strelitzia reginae or Bird of paradise.
Strelitzia reginae: Bird of paradise
Care of the plant Thalia dealbata or Hardy Water Canna.
Thalia dealbata: Hardy Water Canna
Care of the plant Triteleia laxa or Triplet lily.
Triteleia laxa: Triplet lily
Care of the bulbous plant Tritonia crocata or Flame freesia.
Tritonia crocata: Flame freesia
Care of the bulbous plant Tritonia gladiolaris or Chiffon lace.
Tritonia gladiolaris: Chiffon lace
Care of the bulbous plant Tulbaghia violacea or Society garlic.
Tulbaghia violacea: Society garlic
Care of the bulbous plant Tulipa or Tulip.
Tulipa: Tulip
Care of the aquatic plant Typha latifolia or Common cattail.
Typha latifolia: Common cattail
Care of the bulbous plant Urginea maritima or Sea squill.
Urginea maritima: Sea squill
Care of the bulbous plant Veltheimia bracteata or Forest lily.
Veltheimia bracteata: Forest lily
Care of the bulbous plant Watsonia borbonica or Cape bugle-lily.
Watsonia borbonica: Cape bugle-lily
Care of the plant Zantedeschia aethiopica or Calla lily.
Zantedeschia aethiopica: Calla lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Zantedeschia elliottiana or Golden calla lily.
Zantedeschia elliottiana: Golden calla lily
Care of the rhizomatous plant Zantedeschia rehmannii or Calla Lily Indoors.
Zantedeschia rehmannii: Calla Lily Indoors
Care of the bulbous plant Zephyranthes carinata or Pink rain lily.
Zephyranthes carinata: Pink rain lily