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Consulta Plantas

Gardening and plant care since 2001

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Care of the plant Abies alba or European silver fir.
Abies alba: European silver fir
Care of the tree Abies cilicica or Cilician fir.
Abies cilicica: Cilician fir
Care of tree Abies pinsapo or Spanish fir..
Abies pinsapo: Spanish fir
Care of the plant Acacia dealbata or Mimosa.
Acacia dealbata: Mimosa
Care of the tree Acacia greggii or Wait-a-minute bush.
Acacia greggii: Wait-a-minute bush
Care of the plant Acacia hebeclada or Candle Thorn.
Acacia hebeclada: Candle Thorn
Care of the tree Acacia iteaphylla or Flinders Range wattle..
Acacia iteaphylla: Flinders Range wattle
Care of the tree Acacia karroo or Sweet thorn.
Acacia karroo: Sweet thorn
Care of the tree Acacia longifolia or Golden wattle.
Acacia longifolia: Golden wattle
Care of the tree Acacia luederitzii or Kalahari-sand acacia.
Acacia luederitzii: Kalahari-sand acacia
Care of the tree Acacia melanoxylon or Acacia negra..
Acacia melanoxylon: Acacia negra
Care of the tree Acacia saligna or Orange wattle.
Acacia saligna: Orange wattle
Care of the tree Acacia tetragonophylla or Kurara..
Acacia tetragonophylla: Kurara
Care of the tree Acacia tortilis or Umbrella Thorn acacia.
Acacia tortilis: Umbrella Thorn acacia
Care of the tree Acer campestre or Field maple.
Acer campestre: Field maple
Care of the tree Acer negundo or Boxelder maple.
Acer negundo: Boxelder maple
Care of the tree Acer obtusifolium or Syrian Maple.
Acer obtusifolium: Syrian Maple
Cuidados del árbol Acer palmatum o Arce japonés.
Acer palmatum: Japanese maple
Care of the tree Acer platanoides or Norway maple.
Acer platanoides: Norway maple
Care of the tree Acer sempervirens or Cretan maple.
Acer sempervirens: Cretan maple
Care of the plant Aesculus californica or California buckeye.
Aesculus californica: California buckeye
Care of the plant Aesculus hippocastanum or Horse chestnut.
Aesculus hippocastanum: Horse chestnut
Care of the tree Aesculus indica or Indian horse-chestnut.
Aesculus indica: Indian horse-chestnut
Care of the plant Aesculus x carnea or Red horse-chestnut.
Aesculus x carnea: Red horse-chestnut
Care of the tree Agonis flexuosa or Western Australian peppermint.
Agonis flexuosa: Western Australian peppermint
Care of the tree Ailanthus altissima or Tree of heaven.
Ailanthus altissima: Tree of heaven
Care of the tree Albizia julibrissin or Persian silk tree.
Albizia julibrissin: Persian silk tree
Care of the tree Alnus glutinosa or Common alder.
Alnus glutinosa: Common alder
Care of the tree Anastrabe integerrima or Pambati tree.
Anastrabe integerrima: Pambati tree
Care of the tree Araucaria angustifolia or Brazilian pine.
Araucaria angustifolia: Brazilian pine
Care of the tree Araucaria araucana or Monkey puzzle tree.
Araucaria araucana: Monkey puzzle tree
Care of the plant Araucaria bidwillii or Bunya pine.
Araucaria bidwillii: Bunya pine
Cuidados del árbol Araucaria heterophylla o Pino de Norfolk.
Araucaria heterophylla: Norfolk Island pine
Care of the plant Argania spinosa or Argan Tree.
Argania spinosa: Argan Tree
Care of the tree Banksia integrifolia or Coast banksia.
Banksia integrifolia: Coast banksia
Care of the tree Bauhinia forficata or Brazilian orchid tree.
Bauhinia forficata: Brazilian orchid tree
Care of the tree Bauhinia natalensis or Natal bauhinia.
Bauhinia natalensis: Natal bauhinia
Care of the tree Bauhinia tomentosa or Yellow bauhinia.
Bauhinia tomentosa: Yellow bauhinia
Care of the tree Bauhinia variegata or Orchid tree.
Bauhinia variegata: Orchid tree
Care of the plant Beaucarnea beldingii or Elephant's-foot.
Beaucarnea beldingii: Elephant's-foot
Care of the plant Beaucarnea goldmanii or Goldman's Pony Tail.
Beaucarnea goldmanii: Goldman's Pony Tail
Care of the plant Beaucarnea gracilis or Mexican Pony Tail Palm.
Beaucarnea gracilis: Mexican Pony Tail Palm
Care of the plant Beaucarnea hiriartiae or Elephant's-foot.
Beaucarnea hiriartiae: Elephant's-foot
Care of the plant Beaucarnea recurvata or Nolina recurvata.
Beaucarnea recurvata: Nolina recurvata
Care of the tree Beilschmiedia miersii or Nothern acorn.
Beilschmiedia miersii: Nothern acorn
Care of the tree Brachychiton acerifolius or Flame tree.
Brachychiton acerifolius: Flame tree
Care of the tree Brachychiton discolor or Lacebark tree.
Brachychiton discolor: Lacebark tree
Care of the tree Brachychiton populneus or Kurrajong.
Brachychiton populneus: Kurrajong
Care of the tree Broussonetia papyrifera or Paper mulberry.
Broussonetia papyrifera: Paper mulberry
Care of the plant Buddleja parviflora or Butterfly Bush.
Buddleja parviflora: Butterfly Bush
Care of the tree Buddleja saligna or False olive.
Buddleja saligna: False olive
Care of the tree Bursaria spinosa or Sweet Bursaria.
Bursaria spinosa: Sweet Bursaria
Care of the tree palm Butia capitata or Jelly palm.
Butia capitata: Jelly palm
Care of the tree Caesalpinia gilliesii or Bird of paradise bush.
Caesalpinia gilliesii: Bird of paradise bush
Care of the tree Callicarpa japonica or Japanese beautyberry.
Callicarpa japonica: Japanese beautyberry
Care of the tree Calocedrus decurrens or Incense cedar.
Calocedrus decurrens: Incense cedar
Care of the tree Calpurnia aurea or Wild laburnum.
Calpurnia aurea: Wild laburnum
Care of the tree Carica papaya or Papaya tree.
Carica papaya: Papaya tree
Care of the palm tree Caryota mitis or Fishtail palm.
Caryota mitis: Fishtail palm
Care of the plant Casuarina cunninghamiana or River oak.
Casuarina cunninghamiana: River oak
Care of the plant Casuarina equisetifolia or Australian pine tree.
Casuarina equisetifolia: Australian pine tree
Care of the tree Catalpa bignonioides or Southern catalpa.
Catalpa bignonioides: Southern catalpa
Care of the tree Cedrus atlantica or Atlas cedar.
Cedrus atlantica: Atlas cedar
Care of the tree Cedrus deodara or Himalayan cedar.
Cedrus deodara: Himalayan cedar
Care of the tree Cedrus libani or Lebanon cedar.
Cedrus libani: Lebanon cedar
Care of the tree Celtis australis or Mediterranean hackberry.
Celtis australis: Mediterranean hackberry
Care of the plant Celtis occidentalis or Common hackberry.
Celtis occidentalis: Common hackberry
Care of the tree Cephalotaxus fortunei or Chinese plum-yew.
Cephalotaxus fortunei: Chinese plum-yew
Cuidados del árbol Cephalotaxus harringtonia o Tejo de Oriente.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia: Japanese plum-yew
Care of the tree Ceratonia siliqua or Carob.
Ceratonia siliqua: Carob
Care of the tree Cercis siliquastrum or Judas tree.
Cercis siliquastrum: Judas tree
Care of the tree Chamaecyparis or False cypress.
Chamaecyparis: False cypress
Care of the tree Chamaerops humilis or European fan palm.
Chamaerops humilis: European fan palm
Care of the tree Chilopsis linearis or Desert willow.
Chilopsis linearis: Desert willow
Care of the tree Chorisia speciosa or Silk floss tree.
Chorisia speciosa: Silk floss tree
Care of the tree Citrus x aurantium or Bitter orange.
Citrus x aurantium: Bitter orange
Care of the tree Citrus x limon or Lemon.
Citrus x limon: Lemon
Cuidados de la planta Citrus x paradisi o Árbol del pomelo.
Citrus x paradisi: Grapefruit
Cuidados del árbol Citrus x sinensis o Naranjo.
Citrus x sinensis: Sweet Orange
Cuidados de la planta Cladrastis kentukea o Yellowwood.
Cladrastis kentukea: American yellowwood
Care of the tree Clerodendrum glabrum or Tinderwood.
Clerodendrum glabrum: Tinderwood
Cuidados de la palmera Cocos, Cocotero o Palma de coco.
Cocos nucifera: Coconut palm
Cuidados del árbol Combretum kraussii o Forest Bushwillow.
Combretum kraussii: Forest bushwillow
Care of the tree Cornus capitata or Evergreen dogwood.
Cornus capitata: Evergreen dogwood
Care of the tree Corylus avellana or Common hazel.
Corylus avellana: Common hazel
Care of the tree Corymbia eximia or Yellow bloodwood.
Corymbia eximia: Yellow bloodwood
Care of the tree Corynocarpus laevigatus or New Zealand laurel.
Corynocarpus laevigatus: New Zealand laurel
Care of the tree Cryptomeria japonica or Japanese cedar.
Cryptomeria japonica: Japanese cedar
Care of the tree Cupressus arizonica or Arizona cypress.
Cupressus arizonica: Arizona cypress
Care of the tree Cupressus dupreziana or Saharan cypress.
Cupressus dupreziana: Saharan cypress
Care of the plant Cupressus funebris or Chinese weeping cypress.
Cupressus funebris: Chinese weeping cypress
Care of the tree Cupressus macrocarpa or Monterey cypress.
Cupressus macrocarpa: Monterey cypress
Care of the tree Cupressus sargentii or Sargent's cypress.
Cupressus sargentii: Sargent's cypress
Care of the tree Cupressus sempervirens or Mediterranean cypress.
Cupressus sempervirens: Mediterranean cypress
Care of the tree Cussonia paniculata or Mountain cabbage tree.
Cussonia paniculata: Mountain cabbage tree
Care of the tree Cussonia spicata or Common cabbage tree.
Cussonia spicata: Common cabbage tree
Care of the plant Cycas revoluta or Sago palm.
Cycas revoluta: Sago palm
Care of the tree Cydonia oblonga or Quince.
Cydonia oblonga: Quince
Care of the tree Dais cotinifolia or Pompom tree.
Dais cotinifolia: Pompom tree
Care of the tree Dicksonia antarctica or Soft tree fern.
Dicksonia antarctica: Soft tree fern
Care of the cycad Dioon edule or Chestnut dioon.
Dioon edule: Chestnut dioon
Care of the cycad Dioon merolae or Spiny palm.
Dioon merolae: Spiny palm
Care of the tree Diospyros kaki or Japanese Persimmon.
Diospyros kaki: Japanese Persimmon
Care of the tree Diospyros whyteana or Bladder-nut.
Diospyros whyteana: Bladder-nut
Care of the tree Dombeya rotundifolia or Wild pear.
Dombeya rotundifolia: Wild pear
Care of the tree Dombeya x cayeuxii or Pink Ball Tree.
Dombeya x cayeuxii: Pink Ball Tree
Care of the tree Dracaena draco or Dragon tree.
Dracaena draco: Dragon tree
Care of the tree Ehretia dicksonii or Dickson's Ehretia.
Ehretia dicksonii: Dickson's Ehretia
Care of the tree Elaeagnus angustifolia or Russian olive.
Elaeagnus angustifolia: Russian olive
Care of the cycad Encephalartos altensteinii or Eastern Cape giant cycad.
Encephalartos altensteinii: Eastern Cape giant cycad
Care of the cycad Encephalartos ferox or Zululand Cycad.
Encephalartos ferox: Zululand Cycad
Care of the cycad Encephalartos horridus or African Blue Cycad.
Encephalartos horridus: African Blue Cycad
Care of the cycad Encephalartos lebomboensis or Lebombo cycad.
Encephalartos lebomboensis: Lebombo cycad
Care of the plant Encephalartos lehmannii or Karoo cycad.
Encephalartos lehmannii: Karoo cycad
Care of the cycad Encephalartos natalensis or Natal cycad.
Encephalartos natalensis: Natal cycad
Care of the cycad Encephalartos senticosus or Jozini cycad.
Encephalartos senticosus: Jozini cycad
Care of the plant Encephalartos transvenosus or Modjadji cycad.
Encephalartos transvenosus: Modjadji cycad
Care of the cycad Encephalartos villosus or Poor man's cycad.
Encephalartos villosus: Poor man's cycad
Care of the tree Eriobotrya japonica or Loquat.
Eriobotrya japonica: Loquat
Care of the palm Erythea armata or Mexican blue palm.
Erythea armata: Mexican blue palm
Care of the tree Erythrina crista-galli or Cockspur coral tree.
Erythrina crista-galli: Cockspur coral tree
Care of the tree Erythrina variegata or Indian coral tree.
Erythrina variegata: Indian coral tree
Care of the tree Eucalyptus diversifolia or Soap mallee.
Eucalyptus diversifolia: Soap mallee
Care of the tree Eucalyptus ficifolia or Red flowering gum.
Eucalyptus ficifolia: Red flowering gum
Care of the plant Eucalyptus globulus or Blue gum.
Eucalyptus globulus: Blue gum
Care of the plant Eucalyptus kruseana or Bookleaf mallee.
Eucalyptus kruseana: Bookleaf mallee
Care of the plant Eucalyptus oleosa or Red mallee.
Eucalyptus oleosa: Red mallee
Care of the tree Eucalyptus torelliana or Cadaghi gum.
Eucalyptus torelliana: Cadaghi gum
Care of the tree Eucalyptus torquata or Coral gum.
Eucalyptus torquata: Coral gum
Care of the tree Fagus sylvatica or Common beech.
Fagus sylvatica: Common beech
Care of the tree Ficus carica or Common fig.
Ficus carica: Common fig
Care of the plant Ficus cyathistipula or African fig tree.
Ficus cyathistipula: African fig tree
Care of the tree Ficus ingens or Red-leaved fig.
Ficus ingens: Red-leaved fig
Care of the tree Ficus rubiginosa or Rusty fig.
Ficus rubiginosa: Rusty fig
Care of the tree Ficus salicaria or Willow Leaf Fig.
Ficus salicaria: Willow Leaf Fig
Care of the tree Firmiana simplex or Chinese parasol tree.
Firmiana simplex: Chinese parasol tree
Care of the tree Fortunella japonica or Round Kumquat.
Fortunella japonica: Round Kumquat
Care of the tree Fouquieria columnaris or Boojum tree.
Fouquieria columnaris: Boojum tree
Care of the plant Fraxinus angustifolia or Narrow-leaved ash.
Fraxinus angustifolia: Narrow-leaved ash
Cuidados de la planta Fraxinus ornus u Orno
Fraxinus ornus: Orno