Care of the tree Abies alba or European silver fir |
The genus Abies, of the Pinaceae family, it includes about 50 species of trees natives of Europe, Asia and North America. Some species are: Abies alba, Abies grandis, Abies pinsapo, Abies sibirica, Abies spectabilis, Abies cilicica, Abies amabilis. Common names: European silver fir, Silver fir. This specie is native to mountainous regions of Europe. They are pyramidal conifers with almost horizontal branches that can reach 98 ft (30 m) height. They present abundant small and linear leaves arranged along the branches that have 2 white lines on the underside. The flowers, called cones, are male and female, and merge on the same plant. The fruits are pinecones of about 6" (15 cm) length. European silver fir is slow growing tree that are often used as isolated specimens in large gardens and public parks. The European silver fir can live at full sun, semi-shade and shade exposures. They can resist frost and do not like intense heat. Abies alba prefers deep, well-drained soil with abundant organic matter. They do not resist transplants well. Water regularly so that the soil is always a little damp but never overwatering; they do not tolerate drought. Silver fir do not require pruning except in case that the guide of the upper part of the tree is divided in two; one of them must be removed. Damaged branches can be trimmed in winter after the frost season. Fertilize each fall with organic matter such as compost or manure. Abies alba is quite resistant to diseases and pests but when it's very hot they can be victims of aphids. European silver fir can propagate from the seeds sown in spring but it is a slow process, so it's better to acquire new specimens in nurseries or garden centers. |
Images of the tree Abies alba or European silver fir |