Care of the shrub Salvia vaseyi or Wand sage |
The genus Salvia, family Lamiaceae, includes 1,000 species of shrubs and herbaceous plants native to Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean region, and Central and South America. Some species are: Salvia vaseyi, Salvia elegans, Salvia fruticosa, Salvia officinalis, Salvia splendens, Salvia scabra, Salvia nemorosa, Salvia namaensis, Salvia microphylla, Salvia mexicana, Salvia mellifera, Salvia leucantha, Salvia lanceolata, Salvia guaranitica, Salvia greggii, Salvia farinacea, Salvia disermas, Salvia canariensis, Salvia aurea, Salvia apiana, Salvia africana, Salvia leucophylla, Salvia verbenacea, Salvia sclarea, Salvia x sylvestris. Common names: Wand sage, Scallopleaf sage, Vasey's sage, Bristle sage. This species is native to California. They are evergreen shrubs that reach 1 meter (3.28 feet) in width and 1.50 meters (4.9 feet) in height when they flower. The oval, wavy leaves are greyish-green. The white flowers appear on long stalks above the basal leaves. They bloom in spring. Wand sage is used in rockeries, on dry and sunny slopes, in borders and borders and in pots for patios and terraces. Salvia vaseyi needs full sun exposure and a warm, dry climate. It resists low intensity frosts. Scallopleaf sage grows in any type of soil that has excellent drainage. Water moderately, waiting for the substrate to be completely dry. In summer they go into rest and do not need watering. Wand sage is a very drought resistant plant. Bristle sage does not need fertilizer. Prune flower stems after flowering. Salvia vaseyi is a plant resistant to the usual pests and diseases but sensitive to excess moisture. Wand sage is propagated from seeds sown in spring and by cuttings. |
Images of the shrub Salvia vaseyi or Wand sage |