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Care of the plant Salvia disermas or Wild giant sage.

Care of the shrub Salvia disermas or Wild giant sage

The genus Salvia, family Lamiaceae, comprises 1,000 species of shrubs and herbaceous plants native to Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean region, and Central and South America. Some species are: Salvia disermas, Salvia canariensis, Salvia aurea, Salvia apiana, Salvia africana, Salvia scabra, Salvia lanceolata, Salvia farinacea, Salvia leucantha, Salvia guaranitica, Salvia namaensis, Salvia greggii, Salvia microphylla, Salvia mexicana, Salvia splendens, Salvia vaseyi, Salvia leucophylla, Salvia verbenacea, Salvia sclarea, Salvia mellifera, Salvia nemorosa, Salvia officinalisSalvia fruticosaSalvia elegansSalvia x sylvestris.

Common names: Wild giant sage, Transvaal sage. This species is native to South Africa.

They are evergreen shrubs with quadrangular stems that sprout from a woody rhizome and that reach 1 meter (3.28 feet) in height (40 cm/1.31 feet if the growth is creeping). The aromatic leaves are grayish-green in color and have a serrated edge. The small but attractive flowers can be white, pink, blue and bicolor and appear in terminal spikes. They bloom in spring and summer.

This fast-growing plant is used in rockery, to form combined groups with plants of the genera Diascia, Osteospermum or Erica, as cover plants, as screens and in pots. Wild giant sage has medicinal properties against heartburn in infusion and for skin conditions in lotion.

Salvia disermas needs full sun exposure and a Mediterranean climate. It's better that it does not suffer from frost.

The soil must be very well drained and contain organic matter.

Water regularly in summer waiting for the substrate to be almost dry and reduce watering the rest of the year; Wild giant sage resists drought well.

Transvaal sage does not need fertilizers.

Every 2-3 years, prune intensively to strengthen the plant.

Salvia disermas is a plant quite resistant to pests and diseases but can sometimes be attacked by mealybugs at the base of the plant.

Wild giant sage is propagated from seeds, by cuttings or by division of the rhizomatous root.

Images of the shrub Salvia disermas or Wild giant sage

Salvia disermas
Salvia disermas
Salvia disermas
Salvia disermas
Salvia disermas