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Care of the cactus Copiapoa longistaminea or Adriana's Copiapoa.

Care of the cactus Copiapoa longistaminea or Adriana's Copiapoa

The genus Copiapoa, family Cactaceae, comprises 25 species of cactus native to northern Chile. Some species are: Copiapoa longistaminea, Copiapoa calderana, Copiapoa grandiflora, Copiapoa cinerea, Copiapoa malletiana, Copiapoa haseltoniana, Copiapoa humilis, Copiapoa coquimbana, Copiapoa taltalensis, Copiapoa echinoides, Copiapoa krainziana, Copiapoa marginata.

Common name: Adriana's Copiapoa. This species is native to Antofagasta, Chile.

Copiapoa longistaminea is a slow-growing cactus with a tuberous root that can form groups of up to 1 metre (3.28 feet) in diameter. The stems, greenish-grey in colour (reddish if it receives a lot of sun), reach 50 cm (19.68") in length and 10 cm (3.93") in width. It has 15-21 rounded ribs and oval areoles with 4-6 radial spines (up to 3 cm/1.18" in length) and 1 or no central spine. The flowers are small and yellow.

Adriana's Copiapoa is mainly used in pots when young; adult specimens are suitable for rockeries.

Copiapoa longistaminea grows well in full sun and light shade exposures. If the summer is very hot (Mediterranean climate) it is best to avoid direct sun in the central hours of the day. It is best not to expose it to frost although it can withstand temperatures up to -2ºC (28.4 ºF) occasionally.

The soil can be a well-drained commercial cactus substrate with a handful of coarse sand.

Water moderately, waiting for the substrate to dry completely. Do not water in winter.

Fertilize once in spring with mineral fertilizer for cacti.

Copiapoa longistaminea does not need pruning.

Adriana's Copiapoa is a plant resistant to the usual pests and diseases but sensitive to excess humidity.

Copiapoa longistaminea is propagated from seeds sown in spring in a seedbed or by separating shoots (if the mother plant produces them).

Images of the cactus Copiapoa longistaminea or Adriana's Copiapoa

Copiapoa longistaminea
Copiapoa longistaminea
Copiapoa longistaminea