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Care of the plant Kalanchoe longiflora or Tugela cliff-kalanchoe.

Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe longiflora or Tugela cliff-kalanchoe

The genus Kalanchoe, family Crassulaceae, comprises 100 species of succulent plants native to Asia, Africa and Europe. Some species are: Kalanchoe longiflora, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Kalanchoe beharensis, Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, Kalanchoe tomentosa, Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Kalanchoe uniflora, Kalanchoe manginii, Kalanchoe pinnata, Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, Kalanchoe pumila, Kalanchoe marmorata.

Common names: Long-flower kalanchoe, Tugela cliff-kalanchoe. This species is native to South Africa.

They are relatively fast growing succulent plants that reach 60 cm (23.6") in height. The fleshy, serrated-edged leaves are deep green with reddish tones in direct sunlight. They produce flower stalks above the leaves filled with yellow flowers. They bloom during the summer.

Tugela cliff-kalanchoe is used in rockeries, on dry slopes, in borders and in pots.

Kalanchoe longiflora prefers full sun exposure but can also grow in semi-shade. It resists the heat of the Mediterranean summer but not the cold below 5 ºC (41 ºF).

The soil can be a garden substrate with 20% coarse siliceous sand or a commercial substrate for cacti and succulents.

Water regularly, waiting for the substrate to dry. In winter, water only once a month.

Fertilize with compost in early spring.

Prune flowers and leaves that have withered.

The biggest enemy of Kalanchoe longiflora is the excess of humidity that causes fungal diseases.

Long-flower kalanchoe propagates from cuttings planted in their final place; they take root with great ease.

Images of the succulent plant Kalanchoe longiflora or Tugela cliff-kalanchoe

Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe longiflora