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Care of the plant Gasteria excelsa or Thicket ox-tongue.

Care of the succulent plant Gasteria excelsa or Thicket ox-tongue

The genus Gasteria, family Xanthorrhoeaceae, comprises 80 species of succulent plants native to South Africa. Some species are: Gasteria excelsa, Gasteria disticha, Gasteria carinata, Gasteria bicolor, Gasteria liliputana, Gasteria angustifolia.

Common names: Thicket ox-tongue, Regal ox-tongue, Thicket Gasteria. This species is native to Eastern Cape, South Africa.

They are medium succulent plants that reach 1 meter (39.37") in height when they bloom. The leaves are fleshy, triangular, dark green with light spots and arranged in a rosette; they have a white and serrated margin. The flowers are pink in color and appear on long flower stalks above the leaves. They bloom from spring to early summer.

Thicket ox-tongue is used in borders, in rockeries and in pots for patios and terraces; use large pots because the roots develop a lot.

Gasteria excelsa prefers a semi-shade exposure avoiding direct sun in the central hours of the day. It resists light frosts if the substrate is dry.

Regal ox-tongue can be grown on poor, sandy soils; it just needs the substrate to be well drained.

Water regularly in spring and summer, waiting for the substrate to dry. In autumn reduce watering and in winter water only once a month.

Fertilize with compost in fall and mineral fertilizer for cacti and succulents in early spring.

Prune off wilted flower stems.

Thicket ox-tongue is a sensitive plant to excess of irrigation.

Gasteria excelsa propagates by seeds sown in spring or summer and by separation of suckers.

Images of the succulent plant Gasteria excelsa or Thicket ox-tongue

Gasteria excelsa
Gasteria excelsa
Gasteria excelsa