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Care of the plant Scilla obtusifolia or Prospero obtusifolium.

Care of the bulbous plant Scilla obtusifolia or Prospero obtusifolium

The genus Scilla, family Asparagaceae, comprises 90 species of bulbous plants native to Asia, Africa and Europe. Some species are: Scilla obtusifolia, Scilla natalensis, Scilla latifolia, Scilla bifolia, Scilla autumnalis, Scilla lanceolata, Scilla italica, Scilla lanceolata, Scilla peruviana, Scilla sibirica, Scilla odorata.

Scientific synonyms: Prospero obtusifolium, Scilla parviflora. This species is native to Western Mediterranean.

They are bulbous plants with a spherical bulb that reach 30 cm (11.8") in height when they bloom. The leaves are linear and bright green. The bluish flowers appear in erect racemes. They bloom from late summer to early fall.

Scilla parviflora is used in borders, in light undergrowths, in rockeries and in pots and planters. It's ideal for Mediterranean coastal gardens.

Scilla obtusifolia can grow in full sun or light shade exposure. It's better not to expose it to frost; the bulbs should be dug up when the leaves dry and stored in a dark, dry place.

The soil can be a mixture, in equal parts, of coarse sand, garden soil and compost; Scilla parviflora can also grow on poorer soils.

Scilla obtusifolia has good resistance to drought but in spring and summer it welcomes regular watering, waiting for the substrate to have completely dried. In autumn reduce watering and do not water in winter.

Fertilize with compost or manure at the time of planting the bulbs.

Prospero obtusifolium does not usually present serious pest and disease problems.

Scilla obtusifolia is propagated in spring from the bulblets produced by the mother plant.

Images of the bulbous plant Scilla obtusifolia or Prospero obtusifolium

Scilla obtusifolia
Scilla obtusifolia