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Care of the plant Petasites fragrans or Winter heliotrope.

Care of the plant Petasites fragrans or Winter heliotrope

The genus Petasites, family Asteraceae, comprises 15 species of perennial plants native to Asia, Europe, and North America. Some species are: Petasites fragrans, Petasites hybridus, Petasites albus, Petasites japonicus, Petasites spurius.

Common name: Winter heliotrope. This species is native to the Mediterranean region of Europe. Scientific synonyms: Petasites pyrenaicus.

They are creeping or covering herbaceous plants that reach 30 cm (11.8") in height. They have large hairy leaves on the underside with long petioles and kidney-shaped shape. The flowers smell like vanilla and appear in white or pink flower heads; they can sprout before the leaves. They bloom during the winter.

Winter heliotrope is used to form covering groups and in pots and planters for terraces and patios. It has antimigrainous, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic medicinal properties.

Petasites fragrans is a fast growing plant that can grow in semi-shade or direct sun exposures. It resists occasional frosts.

The soil can be a normal garden substrate. Planting is done in winter or early spring.

Water very moderately, taking into account that Winter heliotrope is a plant very sensitive to excess humidity.

Fertilize with compost in the fall.

Petasites fragrans does not need pruning but its expansion must be watched because its tends to become invasive.

Winter heliotrope can be attacked by slugs and snails.

Petasites fragrans is propagated by division at the time of planting.

Images of the plant Petasites fragrans or Winter heliotrope

Petasites fragans
Petasites fragans
Petasites fragans
Petasites fragans
Petasites fragans