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Care of the plant Oxalis articulata or Pink-sorrel.

Care of the plant Oxalis articulata or Pink-sorrel

The genus Oxalis, family Oxalidaceae, comprises 600 species of herbaceous plants native to temperate and warm regions of almost all continents. Some species are: Oxalis articulata, Oxalis pes-caprae, Oxalis triangularis, Oxalis bowiei, Oxalis purpurea, Oxalis flava, Oxalis acetosella, Oxalis corniculata, Oxalis gigantea, Oxalis rosea.

Common names: Pink-sorrel, Pink wood sorrel, Windowbox wood-sorrel, Sourgrass. This species is native to South America.

They are rhizomatous perennial herbaceous plants that reach 40 cm (15.74") in height. They have deep green trifoliate leaves mottled with lighter green. They produce flower stems with various pink flowers. They bloom in spring and summer. The capsule-shaped fruits contain many seeds.

Pink-sorrel is used in pots and planters, in light undergrowths and damp areas of the garden. The leaves can be eaten in salads.

Oxalis articulata prefers a semi-shade exposure in very hot summer climates such as the Mediterranean and full sun if the summers are cooler. It resists occasional frosts.

Windowbox wood-sorrel prefers well-drained (sandy) soil that contains organic matter. Planting is done in early spring.

Water frequently (without flooding) in spring and summer so that the substrate is always slightly damp. In winter reduce watering without allowing the substrate to dry out completely.

Fertilize monthly with mineral fertilizer during spring and summer.

Sourgrass does not need pruning but its expansion must be monitored so that it's not invasive.

Oxalis articulata is a resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

Pink wood sorrel is easily propagated from seed sown in spring or by division of the rhizome in early spring.

Images of the plant Oxalis articulata or Pink-sorrel

Oxalis articulata
Oxalis articulata