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Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus zeyheri or Trailing iceplant.

Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus zeyheri or Trailing iceplant

The genus Lampranthus, family Aizoaceae, comprises about 250 species of succulent plants native to southern Africa. Some species are: Lampranthus zeyheri, Lampranthus spectabilis, Lampranthus multiradiatus, Lampranthus falcatus, Lampranthus blandus, Lampranthus aureus, Lampranthus amoenus.

Common name: Trailing iceplant. Scientific synonym: Mesembryanthemum zeyheri.

They are creeping succulent plants that reach 15 cm (5.9") in height. The erect and fleshy cylindrical leaves are green with reddish tones. The very showy violet, pink, orange, white or yellow flowers grow above the leaves and even hide the plant. They bloom in spring and summer.

Trailing iceplant is used in rockeries, borders, to cover dry and sunny slopes and in pots for patios, terraces and balconies. It's suitable for Mediterranean coastal gardens.

Lampranthus zeyheri needs full sun exposure; also grows in semi-shade but will flower less. It resists intense heat well but not frost.

Mesembryanthemum zeyheri grows in any type of soil that has good drainage; use a commercial substrate for cacti if it is grown in pots.

Always water moderately, waiting for the substrate to dry completely. Water very little in winter.

Fertilize once in spring with mineral fertilizer for cacti and succulents.

Prune faded flowers when flowering is over.

Trailing iceplant is a plant resistant to the usual pests and diseases but sensitive to excess watering.

Lampranthus zeyheri is propagated by cuttings in autumn and from seed sown in a seedbed in late winter.

Images of the succulent plant Lampranthus zeyheri or Trailing iceplant

Lampranthus zeyheri
Lampranthus zeyheri
Lampranthus zeyheri
Lampranthus zeyheri