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Care of the plant Ilex aquifolium or Common holly.

Care of the tree Ilex aquifolium or Common holly

The genus Ilex, family Aquifoliaceae, includes 400 species of trees and shrubs distributed over all continents. Some species are: Ilex aquifolium, Ilex mitis, Ilex canariensis, Ilex brasiliensis, Ilex paraguariensis, Ilex opaca.

Common names: Common holly, English holly, European holly, Christmas holly. This species is native to Europe and North Africa.

They are small, highly branched evergreen trees that reach 10 meters (32.8 feet) in height. The leaves are alternate, bright green (there are variegated varieties) and have a spiny margin. Blooms in spring with insignificant whitish flowers. The red fruits are very decorative and are kept throughout the winter.

Common holly is used as isolated specimens (arboreal bearing) and to form impenetrable hedges (shrubby bearing). It resists wind and pollution from cities well. It's also used to create Christmas decorations.

Ilex aquifolium grows in full sun, semi-shade and shade exposures. It resists frost well.

English holly grows in any type of soil but prefer soils with loam and organic matter. If it's grown as hedges, it's planted at a distance of 50 cm (1.64 feet) between specimens.

Water regularly so that the substrate is always slightly damp.

Fertilize with a little organic matter in late winter.

If Christmas holly is used to form hedges, it's pruned in early autumn or late spring to maintain a compact appearance.

Ilex aquifolium is a plant resistant to the usual pests and diseases.

European holly is propagated by cuttings from suckers in late summer.

Images of the tree Ilex aquifolium or Common holly

Ilex aquifolium
Ilex aquifolium
Ilex aquifolium
Ilex aquifolium variegata
Ilex aquifolium variegata
Ilex aquifolium Amber
Ilex aquifolium Amber
Ilex aquifolium Amber