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Care of the plant Distictis buccinatoria or Red Trumpet Vine.

Care of the climbing plant Distictis buccinatoria or Red Trumpet Vine

The genus Distictis, family Bignoniaceae, comprises 28 species of climbing trees and shrubs native to tropical regions of America, especially Mexico and Brazil. Some species are: Distictis buccinatoria, Distictis laxiflora, Distictis riversii.

Common names: Mexican blood flower, Red Trumpet Vine. This species is native to Mexico.

They are climbing shrubs that reach 5 meters (16.4 feet) in height and have tendrils that branch. The leaves are evergreen, leathery in texture, opposite and oval in shape. The showy flowers are red or pink with a yellow center, funnel-shaped and appear in terminal clusters. They bloom in spring and early summer; sometimes they can also bloom in autumn.

Red Trumpet Vine is used to cover walls, pergolas and columns.

Distictis buccinatoria needs full sun or semi-shadow exposure. It does not resist temperatures below 5 ºC (41 ºF). It needs supports to climb.

The soil must be well drained and contain compost or humus.

Water frequently but little water in summer; water occasionally the rest of the year. Mexican blood flower resists drought very well.

Fertilize once a month with mineral fertilizer during the flowering season.

Prune after flowering to control growth.

Distictis buccinatoria is a resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

Red Trumpet Vine propagates by cuttings in summer or by layering in spring.

Images of the climbing plant Distictis buccinatoria or Red Trumpet Vine

Distictis buccinatoria
Distictis buccinatoria
Distictis buccinatoria
Distictis buccinatoria