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Care of the shrub Cestrum aurantiacum or Orange jessamine.

Care of the shrub Cestrum aurantiacum or Orange jessamine

The genus Cestrum, family Solanaceae, comprises 170 species of shrubs native to tropical areas of America, especially Mexico. Some species are: Cestrum aurantiacum, Cestrum elegans, Cestrum parqui, Cestrum confertum, Cestrum nocturnum, Cestrum x cultum, Cestrum peruvianum.

Common names: Orange jessamine, Range cestrum, Yellow Cestrum. This species is native to Central America.

Cestrum aurantiacum is a tropical evergreen shrub that can reach 5 metres in height. The leaves, of a deep green colour, can be ovate or elliptical. The showy tubular flowers can be orange or yellow and produce a pleasant citrus scent. It blooms from late spring to early autumn. It produces ovoid white fruits up to 11 mm in diameter.

Orange jessamine is used in borders, to form hedges, as screens, as isolated specimens and next to walls and in pergolas. It attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. It is a deer-resistant shrub.

Cestrum aurantiacum grows well in full sun or semi-shade exposure. It does not resist frost.

The soil can be normal well-drained garden soil with coarse sand and containing a little organic matter (leaf mulch or manure).

Yellow Cestrum is a fairly drought-resistant plant that needs moderate watering, waiting for the substrate to dry.

Fertilize with leaf mulch at the end of winter.

Orange jessamine can be lightly pruned after flowering to control its growth and maintain a compact shape.

Cestrum aurantiacum is a plant that does not present serious pest and disease problems but is sensitive to cold.

Range cestrum is propagated from seeds sown in spring and by cuttings.

Images of the shrub Cestrum aurantiacum or Orange jessamine

Cestrum aurantiacum
Cestrum aurantiacum
Cestrum aurantiacum