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Care of the indoor plant Anthurium pedatoradiatum or Anthurium Fingers.

Care of the indoor plant Anthurium pedatoradiatum or Anthurium Fingers

The genus Anthurium, family Araceae, includes about 500 species of tropical plants native to Central and South America. Some species are: Anthurium pedatoradiatum, Anthurium crystallinum, Anthurium scherzerianum, Anthurium andreanum.

Common name: Anthurium Fingers. This species is native to southern Mexico.

They are tropical plants that reach 1 meter (3.28 feet) in height. The attractive, large, glossy green, lobed leaves have up to 13 finger-shaped lobes. The greenish flowers have no decorative interest; in a pot they do not usually flower.

Anthurium Fingers is used as indoor and greenhouse plants. In tropical regions they are used in undergrowth, along walls, borders and as isolated specimens.

Anthurium pedatoradiatum prefers a semi-shade or filtered light exposure. Direct sun can burn the leaves. Do not expose it to temperatures below 14 ºC (57 ºF).

The soil can be a commercial substrate for houseplants with coarse sand to improve drainage and plenty of peat. Transplant when the roots show below the pot.

Water regularly with water without lime, waiting for the surface of the substrate to dry. Anthurium Fingers needs a medium-high environmental humidity, for which the leaves must be sprayed periodically with water without lime; if the humidity is low the leaves turn yellowish.

Fertilize once a month in spring and in summer with mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.

Prune dry leaves at any time.

Anthurium pedatoradiatum can be attacked by mites if the humidity is low and by fungi if there is excess watering.

Anthurium Fingers is propagated by the separation of suckers in spring or summer.

Images of the indoor plant Anthurium pedatoradiatum or Anthurium Fingers

Anthurium pedatoradiatum
Anthurium pedatoradiatum