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Care of the plant Celosia argentea or Silver cock's comb.

Care of the plant Celosia argentea or Silver cock's comb

The genus Celosia, family Amaranthaceae, includes 50 species of annual plants native to warm regions of America, Asia and Africa. There are many hybrids used in gardening. Some species are: Celosia argentea (Celosia plumosa), Celosia nitida, Celosia virgata.

Common names: Plumed cockscomb, Common Cockscomb, Silver cock's comb.

They are annual herbaceous plants with erect stem that reach 120 cm (3.93 feet) in height. They have alternate, lanceolate leaves that are light green, reddish or purple in color. The showy flowers can be yellow, orange, pink, red, or white. It blooms from late spring to early fall.

Silver cock's comb is used to form borders (dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties) and in pots for patios, terraces and balconies.

Celosia argentea prefers full sun exposure and adapts to all types of climates.

Common Cockscomb does not tolerate chalky soils. The soil must be rich in organic matter and have good drainage.

Water frequently in summer waiting for the soil to be almost dry; overwatering can cause chlorosis.

Plumed cockscomb can also be attacked by aphids if it suffers from drought.

Silver cock's comb propagates by seeds sown in spring. Transplant when the seedlings reach 10 cm in height.

Images of the plant Celosia argentea or Silver cock's comb

Celosia argentea
Celosia argentea
Celosia argentea
Celosia cristata
Celosia cristata
Celosia cristata
Celosia cristata
Celosia cristata
Celosia cristata
Celosia plumosa
Celosia plumosa
Celosia plumosa