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Care of the plant Allamanda cathartica or Golden trumpet.

Care of the climbing plant Allamanda cathartica or Golden trumpet

The genus Allamanda, family Apocinaceae, comprises 15 species of shrubs originating from tropical regions of Central and South America. Some species are: Allamanda cathartica, Allamanda neriifolia, Allamanda violacea, Allamanda angustifolia, Allamanda schotii, Allamanda hendersonii.

Common names: Golden trumpet, Common trumpetvine, Yellow allamanda. This species is native to Brazil.

They are climbing shrubs with bright green ovate or lanceolate leaves. The flowers are bell shaped or tubular and are yellow in color. They bloom from summer to fall.

Golden trumpet is a tropical plant that is difficult to grow due to its temperature demands. It should not be less than 10 ºC (50 ºF) and stay between 20-25ºC (68-77 ºF) during the flowering season; it also needs high ambient humidity. The exposure should be very bright but without direct sun.

Allamanda cathartica needs a very fertile soil such as a mixture of 3 parts peat, 1 part humus, 1 part perlite, 2 parts vermiculite and a handful of lime and another handful of charcoal.

Common trumpetvine needs 2 irrigations with water without lime per week in the hot season and much less water in winter.

Prune in spring and leave 2 knots per branch to strengthen the plant.

Fertilize weekly with liquid fertilizer during flowering and one month before it.

Yellow allamanda can be propagated by cuttings in late winter.

Images of the climbing plant Allamanda cathartica or Golden trumpet

Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda cathartica